SHOCKED To See Me? (Chptr. 1)

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I hate people who cuddles with their partner or doing any kind of romantic stuff, it makes me feel a certain nostalgia, it make me remember about the guy who made me feel happiness, appreciation, and made me think that there was 'True Love'. Valentine's keep making me remember about all those happy memories about my love one, about the time he used me.

I sat down beside a cherry blossom tree and pondered; 'Am I nothing but a tool? Did I just exist for people to use/ to be manipulated?, Is 'True Love' really True?.', I looked at my hand to see a broken half of a heart which said 'True Love', I clutched my necklace and cried softly.

Jay's POV
During Valentine's Day, The park is filled with couples and romance, it makes me sick considering that I'm not enjoying on whatever they're doing, rather than enjoying I feel more heartache, sadness, and loneliness. To think that my best friend managed to grab ahold of her hand and pulled her away from me. Those feelings; Love, Happiness, Acceptance vanquished in an instant and had been replaced with Heartbreak, Sadness, and Loneliness.

All that is left is this locket, filled with despair. Sometime I would ponder; 'Why was there even called 'True Love', Chances of bringing back the past is the chances of looking for a snowflake in a haystack, Why Me?'.

I sat down beside a cherry blossom tree and remembered our fights, our laughs, our memories. Clutching onto the locket I heard a soft crying on the other side of the tree.

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