The Alpha's Daughter

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Ebony Evers' parents are madly in love and want nothing more for their daughter. Intent on Ebony finding a mate, they send her to a summer camp notorious for pairing up young wolves. With reluctance, Ebony agrees to go and is astonished when she finds just what her parents wanted her to find, a mate. Unfortunately, a few problems arise, Ebony's mate is stubbornly indifferent, her best friend is in love with her, and her father doesn't approve. What she thought would be a summer of boring camp games turns out to be the most important two months of her life.

Annie's Thoughts:

Another Katnisslerman one, and also the Black Luna series. I feel bad because of how she is strung around by her mate, one minute he wants her the next he doesn't. Then he clears it up when he explains everything especially when he finds out who and what she is. Don't think any person was so ashamed of who they were until she saw the look on her mates face when she used her powers around him the first time. The fact is he ends up proving to her that he does care and is willing to do anything to keep her protected. From what I gathered this is supposed to be the last one of the Black Luna series. So have fun and I will continue to add more to the folders on this series itself.

Chapters: 25

Author's Name: katnisslerman16

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