Chapter 16

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Hey guys, sorry this update is a little late today. My WiFi and Wattpad app played up but hopefully you will all be able to read this without any issues.


I woke up to the sound of Christian's snoring. My tail didn't hurt that just felt really weird. I decided to get up and head to the kitchen, to get a glass of milk.

I poured myself a glass, and looked in the fridge...we could do with stocking up on, well, everything. Mental note made. I took a sip from the glass and felt the cold liquid run down my throat.

I returned to the bedroom and looked at Christian's phone, I had seen him use it, so it shouldn't be that difficult to use, right? I picked up the phone, placed my glass on the bed side table and laid on the bed. I pressed a button and the front lit up. 'Slide to unlock' was displayed at the bottom of the screen. Hmmm. I lifted the phone in the air and moved it from the left to the right. That's sliding it? But it didn't unlock. I tried from right to left. Still nothing.

I sighed and looked over at Christian. I could wake him up and he would show me. But he deserves his sleep. I will just keep attempting.

The phone beeped loudly, without any warning. I threw the phone in the air, before it fell on the bed with a soft thump and continued to beep. Had I broken it, is that why it beeped?

Christian groaned and grabbed the phone from the bed. "Time for medication Jackson." I got up before he had the chance to and retrieved the bottle of medication that I had seen in the kitchen earlier.

"This one?" I said showing Christian the bottle, when I returned to the bedroom.

"What does it say on the bottle?" Christian asked, still half asleep.

Do I tell him I can't read...because I was never taught? "De-Dep..." He got up and looked at the bottle.

"Not these ones Jackson." He said, looking rather panicked that I had discovered something. He walked into the kitchen and retrieved a different bottle. "One of these." He passed me the bottle before getting back into bed.

I tipped a tablet out and popped it into my mouth. I grabbed the glass of milk and swallowed the painkiller. I handed the bottle back to Christian, who put it away and reset the timer on his phone.

"We should really get up and get changed..." Christian said, rather annoyed. "The band will be here soon to discuss things. We decided to meet here for a while so you can relax better as you won't have to leave the place. You can stay in bed if you like." Christian got up and headed to the bathroom with an outfit in hand. He seemed really out of it...well he did have to take me to the vets really early this morning...

I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself up like a burrito, careful not to knock my tail at any point. Hmm, I needed to do something that would make Christian happy, to say thank you to him.

I went back to his phone. I saw how he did it this time. I slid my finger across the bottom of the screen and unlocked the phone. No password...

I looked for the little message icon and pressed it. I looked for 'Darcy' in previous messages. She was the second one down. I clicked on her name and typed the following message.

'Kan yu go tooo thee crafte shoop an by mi a paket of nic sshadeing pensils, colluring pensils an a sckethbok. Plese. Itt's a surpris foor Chrisstin. Thanck yu.

(For those needing a translation: Can you go to the craft shop and buy me a packet of nice shading pencils, colouring pencils and a sketchbook. Please. It's a surprise for Christian. Thank you. -Jackson.)

I pressed the send button and saw the message pop up on screen. I smiled. I had done it. I had sent a message, I just hope Darcy can understand it. She would know that I haven't had an education so my poor spelling shouldn't be a shock to her. The phone vibrated and a message popped up on screen.

'Of course Jackson, I will get the BEST shading pencils and colouring pencils. How big do you want the sketchbook?'

Hmm. I want it to be quite big. I remember going into a craft shop a few years ago and seeing an A3 sized sketchbook...would that be too big?

'Ii doontt noow. Maiby ai fre. Or maiby ai tooo. Ii doontt noow. Ii truist yu tooo mace a goode desiiding.'

(I don't know. Maybe A3. Or maybe A2. I don't know. I trust you to make a good decision.)

'Okay. I shall have a look at all the sketchbooks and make a good decision. I also will bring something that will help your tail. Goodbye Jackson. See you soon.'

Now I just had to delete the messages so Christian wouldn't see. I pressed the screen randomly and red dots came up next to the messages. I pressed one next to my first message. 'Delete'. Yes, yes, delete. I pressed it again and the message disappeared. I repeated for the other message of mine and Darcy's messages. I placed the phone back where I had found it.

I sat on the bed, still wrapped up in the blanket, trying not to smile too much so Christian would suspect anything.

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