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Crowfeather- Mousebrain!*bites Jayfeather*

Jayfeather- *bites back* foxdung!

Feathertail- What's with all th- GREAT STARCLAN!!! What! Crowfeather! Jayfeather! Why must you keep embarrassing me? Uh uh not happening! I just got guards too. Well one who does much agree with me. Bramblekit!

Bramblekit- I'm not BRAMBLEKIT!

Feathertail- See what I have to work with? Brambleclaw would you mind help me get Jayfeather off Crowfeather? Not a good way to start a show. I am terribly sorry. Anyways whiles toms fight I do the flight! We have a dare from CandyArtist. She wants Crowfeather and jay- maybe I should just read it directly from now on. Here you go: I dare Crowfeather and Jayfeather not to talk to each other or not claw each other for an entire episode. and if they do, to the kits for them! I don't think we have the kit option anymore. Well I guess that means they have to STARTING NOW!!! Hey wait! Candy I will change the dare a bit. What if I were to say that they can't claw anyone. Hmm. A lot more interesting...

Jayfeather, Crowfeather, Brambleclaw- Merrow! Hiss! *munch claw* *scratch* Hiss!

Feathertail- Toms. Hello? We got a dare. So stop fighting you two! Ugh err three!

Jayfeather- Herb thief!

Crowfeather- What would I do with your herbs! I don't care how to use them! Leave that to medicine cats.

Jayfeather- GIVE THEM BACK!!!

Leafpool- Shut up for the sake of StarClan.

Spottedleaf- *picking up yarrow leaves* Hmmmmmhuhmmmmm...

Leafpool- Please Spottedleaf!

Spottedleaf- Yes? What would you like?

Leafpool- Just shut up.

Spottedleaf- Ok.

Feathertail- Quiet be for I fall off a cliff!

All cats- Nooooooo! Stay Feathertail!

Feathertail- Ok then you two heard the dare now why don't you do it?

Jayfeather- Did you say go for the dare?

Feathertail- Is my pelt silver? My eyes blue? My pelt stripped?

Jayfeather- Yea. Yea. Yea.

Feathertail- Wow you just answered your own question! Of corse!

Crowfeather- Yea Jayfeather! With dont you sheathe your claws?

Jayfeather- Same you birdbrain!

Crowfeather- After you foxdung.

Jayfeather-*kicks Crowfeather and steps on his tail. Crowfeather scratches his side and bites his ear.* Merrow!

Crowfeather- Hiss!

Feathertail-*roles eyes* So sorry doesn't seem to be working out...*glances at the two cats* So sorry about your dare and I don't want to throw them to the kits. I guess the best we have is tying them to a tree with Prudy. I'm sure they'll love his stories!

Jayfeather- Thats pain!*Crowfeather is stretching out his tail. Jayfeather flinches*

Crowfeather- His stories!? Eating a badger can't be worse!

Jayfeather- Right!

Feathertail- Then deal with the dare already! Sorry about today my favorite cats! All my great fans! I must go to my other show. Heartbreak Hearmake. Bye! Leafpool will continue the dare.

Crowfeather- I thought I was co-host.

Feathertail- Don't worry.*brushes tail across flank*

Crowfeather- You can say that again.


Spottedleaf- Hmmmmhmhmmmhmmmmmmhmhmmmmmhmhmmmmmmmhmmmmhmhm.*sorting herbs*

Leafpool- Spottedleaf stop sorting out herbs. Your in StarClan you don't need to care.

Spottedleaf- I do to!

Lionblaze- Oooooo!

Leafpool- Lionblaze?

Lionblaze- Oh bye.

Leafpool- ???

Spottedleaf- ...


Jayfeather- Merrow.

Squirrelflight- Bramblestar!

Bramblestar- Why'd I do?

Squirrelflight- Why weren't you her during the warrior ceremony?

Bramblestar- I was helping Feathertail.

Squirrelflight- And I bet you could give an explanation why she's not here?

Bramblestar- Not one thought to that comment.

Squirrelflight- So I thought.


Jayfeather- *gone*

Spottedleaf-*sorting out herbs*

Bramblestar- Am I suppose to be doing something?

Leafpool- Sorry about that CandyArtist. I hope it wasn't a complete surprise. Thanks for the dares! BYE!!!

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