|09. Pregnant|

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^Danny and Andrea in a argument^


It was now lunch time and I was sitting at the lunch table with Skylar and Eric. Danny wasn't here of course. Rowan and his boys sat down next to me.

"How are you this morning? You feeling okay?", Rowan's voice appeared next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just feel like shit."

"Well don't, your ex-boyfriend is a shit bag for cheating on you."

"Wait, Danny cheated on you?", Skylar asked while Eric looked confused.

"Yeah, I kicked him out of the gang", I tell them.

I turned my attention towards Rowan as he started to speak something out.

"Is our date still on?."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna ditch you just because of a little break up."

"You two are going on a date?", Tony questioned.

"Yeah, but it's strictly business", I eyed Rowan and he played dumb saying what.

"When is your date?", Carson asked.

"Tommorow", I replied.

"After school tommorow?", Eric said.


"Your father has some business to attend to and he won't be there to do a background check on Rowan", Skylar said while eyeing Rowan and his boys.

"Good. He wouldn't like the results anyway."

"Of course he wouldn't, did you ever commit any crimes before?."

"I'm a fucking gang leader, of course I've commited crimes", he chuckled with his boys.

"Well smart ass, educate us on what you did."

"You don't want to know." He replies winking. I fake shock.

"You jaywalked? How bad of you!", Eric and Skylar laughed.

"Alright babe, did you ever go to jail", he raised a eyebrow at me.

"Of course I did", I grabbed a french fry and quickly took a bite.

"For what? Littering?", he chuckled along with his boys.

"I bet I've done worse then you", Rowan jokes. I raise my eyebrow at as I say.

"I've killed a man, what's worse then that?."

Rowan leans in closer to my ear.

"I've killed two", he says with a serious face.

"Are we in elementary school?", I ask,"Saying you've done more than me."

"Maybe we are, we can trade lunches", he winks.

"I don't want your lunch", I replied.

"Not at the moment, but you will soon", he winks and I roll my eyes.

"Would you two just fuck already?", Austin interrupts.

"We are not fucking", I said finally.

"You say that now, but I will make you mine", Rowan smiled as he looked me up and down.

"I say it now because I know it's true", I shot back.

"That's what all the girls say", Rowan replied.

"Dream on."

"I love the dreams you are in", Rowan replies winking.

"I think I lost my appetite", I said throwing the French fry on the tray and then throwing the rest of my food in the trash can.

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