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@catykross: how did you all like the movie??! tweet me your responses with the hashtag #captainamericawithkate !!!

@username: I LOVED IT YOU DID SO GOOD #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it 💗 @username

@username: I CANT BELIEVE HOW AMAZING YOU WERE I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU IN SPIDERMAN #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: can't wait to be in Spiderman too! Tysm!! @username

@username: I really liked the addition of mystic fatale, Spiderman, and ant man you guys definitely brought something new and amazing #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: glad you liked that.  thank you :) @username

@username: I'm bitter #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: why are you bitter? @username

@username: because you all made this big deal about the spideyfatale kiss but it was through the mask so it didn't really count #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: tell that to the Russo brothers ... @username

@russo_brothers: don't throw us under the bus like that @catykross

@catykross: whoops @russo_brothers

@tomholland1996: still enjoyable to do nonetheless tho @catykross @username

@catykross: maybe so 😏 @tomholland1996

@catykross: but to be frank with you tho, I think the reason 4 the mask was bc Peter had to keep his identity hidden. With the mask on, he's Spiderman, but without it, he's just Peter Parker. He keeps them separate in order to maintain his two identities so they don't collide @username

@username: but mystic has the power to mind read?? She already knows exactly who he is? #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: yeah, but all she knows is his name. Mystic chooses not to mind read bc in the comics, all the voices in her head drove her insane. She doesn't mind read to tone down the noise @username

@username: I wish they'd explained that in the movie #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@username: SHOULDA READ THE COMICS @username

@catykross: dw more in depth descriptions will probably be in Spiderman ;) @username

@username: BUT IS NO ONE GONNA BRING UP THE FACT THAT KATE IS A COMIC BOOK GEEK #captainamericawithkate @catykross

@catykross: I do my homework :) @username

@tomholland1996: I like a girl who knows her comics 😏 @catykross

@catykross: cool it you cheeky little shit @tomholland1996

@chrisevans: LANGUAGE @catykross

@anthonymackie: you should just know by now not to do that. honestly @catykross

@catykross: real frickin done with you Evans. was that censored enough for ya? @chrisevans

@chrisevans: yes. Steve appreciates that v much @catykross

@username: when you confuse you character with your actual self @chrisevans

@catykross: happens a lot more than u know... @username



@catykross: when spideys got you webbed up to a car so you can't run with the crew ☹️#captainamericacivilwar395,012 likes and 3,628 comments

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@catykross: when spideys got you webbed up to a car so you can't run with the crew ☹️#captainamericacivilwar
395,012 likes and 3,628 comments

@username: thanks a lot @tomholland2013

@tomholland2013: sorry :(


@catykross: ISNT SHE?? @username

@catykross: apology not accepted @tomholland20133

@tomholland2013: ☹️

@username: ugh I wish you in there. the females could've killed the game together

@catykross: same. blame tom @username

@tomholland2013: I said I was sorry!!

@robertdowneyjr: should have joined team iron man then this wouldn't have happened

@imsebastianstan: shut up she's team captain america @robertdowneyjr

@tomholland2013: team iron mans better @imsebastianstan

@catykross: let's be honest, you were bribed to join team iron man @tomholland2013

@robertdowneyjr: how dare you!! Iron man would never bribe a child to fight against superheroes!

@catykross: mmhhhmm okay. sure Jan @robertdowneyjr

@robertdowneyjr: don't "sure Jan" me

@catykross: alright. sure Jan @robertdowneyjr


I always complain that I'm tired of being single but when a guy makes even one tiny gesture to get to know me, suddenly boys are spawns of Satan and the single life is great (which in some cases is true) I NEED TO FIND ME A TOM HOLLAND

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