Chapter 5- Sold

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Camelia waits patiently behind large black drapes.

She was the last one in line to be presented. Despite Stefan's earlier comments boosting her confidence, her nerves were in over drive quickly destroying her resolve at a spiraling rate.  She paced back and forth, biting her lip in anticipation.

Clapping erupted as the last bid reaches $50,000 dollars. Camelia stops in her tacks, stiffening up as if she were struck by lightning. Her head begins to spin as her heart pounds loudly in her chest.

"Would the winner please step forward to claim your lady...?" The auctioneer asked, his loud voice reaching new octaves into the mic.

Involuntarily, Camelia's knees begin to quiver.  Glancing down at her legs she resumes pacing again to keep the circulation moving.  She notices her hands.  They too were shaking slightly, she clenched them into fists, folding them under her chin, deep in thought. 

She couldn't go through with it.

She needed more time. The announcer will have to give her name, running the risk of revealing her true identity.  Camelia needed to stay anonymous and a mystery to Stefan long enough to buy her time.  For what, she still did not know. 

All she can confirm is It can't happen just yet and she needed to come up with a plan fast. 

A firm squeeze to he shoulder makes her jump in place.  She twirlers around to come face to face with Annie, her mother.   Their eye color— identical twin sets.  India ink blue meets India ink blue.  The only difference was they were framed by two distinguished hair colors.  Light and dark. 

"You look beautiful tonight Camelia, chin up and back straight, remember?"  She reminds her in encouragement and provides her with a confident smile. 

Her mother always had a gift that sensed the distress rolling off her as if they were sound waves.  Those words always did the trick, ever since that day on her birthday, they always managed to remind her to be positive and believe she was capable of anything. 

She straightens her back and raises her chin confidently. 

"Miss. St. James, it's your turn now." The coordinator announced, pointing to the stage. The woman had her other hand closed over the ear piece as she listened to whoever was communicating with her.

"I need you to do one thing for me..." Looking at the young woman who looked no older than thirty with dark Caramel blonde hair and a name tag that read, Ashley. "Ashley...I'm not stepping foot on that stage unless the speaker omits revealing my name. It's important I stay anonymous. Before, during and after the end of the auction." Camelia gave her one of the most intimidating, unwavering stares she could manage. The very same ones her father used.  The type of look that could cut glass. 

"Can you make it happen because if not, I'm not going on that stage."  She threatened.  This time, Camelia wasn't backing down and relent as she had always done most her life.  This time she was going to stay as stubborn as she felt.

"I-uh...quite frankly, I've never had anything like that asked before, but I don't see why not. One moment while I speak to the auctioneer. Don't move an inch. I'll be right back."

Camelia glances back at her mother witnessing the pride shinning in her eyes.  "I'm going to go back out there, looks like you have everything under control."

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