you're wrong

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REYNA STARED AT her phone screen with wide green eyes, disregarding the voices of her cast-mates and her bosses calling out to her. In a single instant, every single memory regarding that day began flooding into her mind, and no matter what she did to rid herself of them, it was no use. It was just as Morgan said; this incident was something Reyna would never be able to get rid of—it was something she would never be able to run from.

The tears—a mix of sadness and fear—burned in Reyna's eyes. Her cast-mates for the day, as well as the set workers, watched her with worried eyes, each of them wondering if they should approach her. They knew something was seriously wrong with her, and they knew it had nothing to do with the concussion she was still recovering from. She was a different person, or so it seemed to be. She wasn't cracking jokes or laughing or "slowing down the production" with Anthony as she normally did when she was on set; she was quiet and distant and seemingly detached, which were three words no one would ever use to describe her.

Reyna read over the message on her phone one more time before she couldn't bear to even look at the screen anymore. A single tear fell down her face, and before anyone could so much as think, Reyna was throwing her phone to the ground as hard as she possibly, effectively breaking the device. She kicked away from her and took a deep breath, bringing her hands to her face, which was now stained with tears she wasn't aware had fallen.

"Reyna, what the hell is wrong with you?" Anthony exclaimed worriedly as he ran over to her, latching his hands tightly onto her wrists in an attempt to pull her hands away from her face.

The gesture startled Reyna immensely, taking her back to that horrifying night very briefly, and she jerked away from Anthony, backing away from him in an attempt to gather her thoughts. Her mind was muddled, not only because of the concussion, but because of him, and she despised it.

"Reyna, are you okay?" Joe asked her as he slowly approached Reyna and Anthony. "What's going on with you lately? You're not yourself."

Reyna seemed to snap herself out of her thoughts long enough to register that she was safe and around people who wouldn't think about hurting her. Before she could assure Joe that she was fine, however, Sebastian made his entrance onto the set, his voice loud.

"I'm ready to shoot," he exclaimed happily as he walked towards his mark on the set, though he stopped when he noticed Anthony and Joe standing in front of Reyna. His focus immediately went to the tears in her eyes, and he hurried over to her, taking her hands in his own.

"I'm okay," Reyna spoke quietly, removing her hands from his hold and hugging them to her chest. It wasn't that she didn't want to touch him—she didn't want to touch anyone. All she could feel when she did touch someone was him, and the sensation of it seemed to become worse as the time passed. "I just have a headache."

"You just threw your phone to the ground in blind rage," Anthony countered, slightly annoyed that she was trying to lie about what was wrong with her. "That's not just a headache, Reyna. What the hell aren't you telling us?"

Reyna shook her head and wiped her face free of tears. "Can we just do this scene, please?"

Joe let out a sigh and nodded. Reyna simply pushed passed the three men, ignoring Sebastian's calls after her.

"Places everyone!" Anthony called.

Reyna moved towards her place behind the counter, and she stood silently for several moments as she waited for the director's call. She was about to film a scene with Sebastian, and she wondered if she would be able to do it with everything going on inside her head. She could only hope, though.

Reyna took a deep breath as she heard Joe call "Action!" and she waited for Sebastian to make an appearance, all the while trying to gather her thoughts so she wouldn't lose herself again.

"Enter, Sebastian," Anthony instructed and Reyna turned her head towards the door, her gaze falling upon Sebastian in his Bucky attire, as well as the green sleeve covering his arm.

"Did Steve send you here to speak with me?"

"No," was Sebastian's reply. Sebastian took his designated seat across from her and looked up at her, his blue eyes pleading. "I sent myself here."

"Because you think I can help you?" Reyna spoke her lines, though she could feel herself slowly being consumed by the torturous thoughts inside of her head.

Sebastian sighed and shifted in his chair as he was supposed to do. "I know that you can help me—you're the only one capable of fixing what's wrong with me."

"I'm sorry to say it, but you're wrong," Reyna said to him; her voice cracked ever so slightly, but thankfully Joe and Anthony didn't pick up on it. "I can hardly help myself; what makes you think I can help you, Bucky?"

"I know what happened, Wanda, and it wasn't your fault."

And those were the words she was afraid of hearing, the lines she had never wanted to hear him recite; it triggered everything inside her. His words were like a wave in the ocean trying to pull her under, and she had no choice but to let it do so. It was her fault, despite the fact that Morgan and even she herself had tried to convince her of it. She was sure of it.

Reyna couldn't do it, though. She couldn't stand there and act as if everything was okay when it was far from it. She couldn't stand there under the watchful eyes of the people she loved and pretend she was alright. She couldn't put a smile on her face when she was frowning on the inside. She couldn't pretend that she was happy when in reality she was slowly falling apart inside; she was slipping away, slipping away from the very aspect of herself she had spent so many years trying to hold onto. She just couldn't do it.

"You're wrong again," Reyna forced out through a ragged breath before taking off.

Everyone on set watched her leave, including a very worried Sebastian. No one dared to stop her, as they knew it wouldn't do much good, if any at all. There was something seriously wrong with her—something so wrong that Reyna couldn't even do her job, and that upped everyone's worry tenfold. Reyna was never one to just walk off set without giving a valid reason for doing so, and everyone knew that.

"What's wrong with her, Sebastian?" Joe asked as he walked over to Sebastian, whose gaze was still fixed on the area in which Reyna had disappeared to.

Sebastian shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. But I do know that I'm gonna find out."





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