Part 44: What You Do Best

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I collapsed on my bed after school, mind running in so many circles that I could barely keep up. Usually, in these types of situations, I'd call Xander...but he was part of the problem now. He hasn't called or texted me since the incident this morning. Ryker had driven me home, fidgeting a little while he was driving. When I had gotten out of his car, he stared straight ahead and backed out of my driveway without a word.

Ugh, freaking boys. And why me? I wasn't anyone special.

Oh! I could call my mom.

"Honey? Is everything alright?" My mother asked when she picked up. I breathed a sigh of relief just hearing her voice and responded, "Mo-om. I have so much to tell you. I need some advice."

Then I told her everything that had happened with Ryker and then with Xander.

"Well, who do you love?" My mom asked.

I groaned. "I love Ryker. Xander is my best friend and I've never thought of him differently. I had no idea he was in love with me. I feel so bad now."

My mom continued to give me some advice and I thought about calling Xander to make sure he was alright. But what could I possibly say to him? I hung up the phone with my mom who would be coming home in a few days and dialed Xander's number.

"Eve!" Xander yelled through the phone, startling me. "You'll never guess what happened!"

That was so not the reaction I had been expecting from him. "Uh, what?"

"The director of All Aliens Return to Space died so apparently there won't be a fourth movie. It ended with the spaceship exploding and now it's up to the fans to imagine their own alternate ending," he babbled.

"What! That can't be! Don't get me wrong, I feel bad the director died, but I really wanted to know what happened!" I said, sitting up.

"Hmm. Wanna binge watch the first two movies together since the third one doesn't come out on DVD for another few months?" He offered.

Xander was acting like nothing had happened; as if he hadn't just told me he had feelings for me. I grinned and said, "That sounds great! And by the way, don't tell anyone, but I have a signed copy of All Aliens Return to Space 3 so we can watch every movie when you come over."

"Are you serious? How the hell did you get that?"

"X! Language! Oh, uh Rykergaveittome," I said really fast, regretting even saying it.

"Oh..." Xander trailed off. "Alright, I'll be there soon, Eve!"

Xander was taking this whole thing really well. I had expected him to be distant from me, but the fact that he's coming over my house to watch our favorite movies was really shocking. I wondered how he was actually feeling.

I went downstairs to gather the movies together and made some popcorn until my best friend got here. He rang the door bell and beamed at me when I opened it. I flashed him the three disks and his grin widened.

"Hell yeah!" He said, fist bumping the air as he came inside and took a seat on the floral couch in front of the television. I set the bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table and placed the first movie in the DVD system, jumping beside Xander on the couch.

I paused the movie right when it began and turned to Xander who gave me a confused look. "Why'd you pause-"

"X, about what you said earlier-"

Xander waved his hand in the air, leaning back against the couch. "Forget I said that. I'm just happy to be your friend, that's all I need. I don't want to ruin our friendship, so I'm glad to just be by your side." He gave me a sincere smile and my heart melted. Xander was the best. I leaned over and gave him a tight hug. He squeezed me back and I pressed play on the movie.

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