Hotels, Rain, and Motorcycles

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You were working in a hotel with an old friend of yours from Camp Half-Blood. Suddenly the phone rang and you answered it. "Hello?" You heard noise on the other line. "This is the hotel right? I'm on my way and have a reservation. What's the weather like?" You looked at your computer. "It's cloudy right now but there's a storm on its way." You heard a grunt. "Do you think I could make it from New Jersey and beat the storm?" (This is in New York btw.) You saw Leo walk by and remembered he rides a motorcycle. You covered part of the phone with your hand. "Leo." He turned around and walked over to you. "This guy is in Jersey and he wants to know if he can beat the storm here." Leo just shrugged. "I rode mine here and I'm gonna ride it home, I don't see why not." You went back to the phone. "My friend who rides a motorcycle says you should make it." The man hung up and you and Leo talked since there was nothing to do. A few hours later a man came in and he was soaked from head to toe. "Do you know who was here earlier? They told me I would be able to beat the storm." You turned to Leo, then back to the man. Leo pushed his motorcycle helmet under a desk. "I don't know who was working earlier and they went home," you lied. "But I can give you your room key, what number?" He scowled. "334." You handed him the key. "Thanks." He went to the elevator and as soon as the doors closed you called for a custodian to come clean up the water. You turned to Leo and you booth started laughing.

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