Rejecting his Unique Mate

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Hey Guys.  This is yet again another rejection story. I decided to write this story because most of the stories I have read about rejected mates almost all end the same and and are quite similar. So I wrote this story the way I think is interesting and with some supernatural twist. 

I hope you enjoy.

Rejecting his Unique Mate  

He looked at me with disgust filled in his chocolate brown eyes as he said the words that completely shattered what little remains of my heart was left. 

"I, Blake William, future Alpha of the Starlight pack, reject you Naeva Winters as my mate and Luna." 

But what I said next shocked him. "I Naeva Winters, accept your rejection," and I meant every word.

Naeva Winters is not who she appears to be. She is running from her dark past, with a shattered heart. She was adopted into the Starlight pack, where everything seemed to be going great, until a year later, when it all changes. What will happen to her? What is she running from in her past? Read on to find out what happens to Naeva and to discover what she really is.  

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