Chapter 9

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"I was told that Geo is getting out tomorrow," Mario began, putting his arm around Ariel instead of me for a change, "it would be great for all of us to hangout."

"I agree." I replied with a smile. Mario looked at me with an ever bigger smile, and so did Ariel. I think they were just as excited as I was to hangout with him again. 

"It can be like a double date!" Ariel gasped after a few seconds of silence, "me and Mario, you and Geo!"

"Eww!" Mario cried playfully, "that's incest!"

"Oh yeah.." Ariel giggled, "I forgot that you were my brother."

I stared at them both with a huge smile. I really ship them. They'd be cute together, even though they're "siblings". 

"Aww!" I teased, nudging Ariel. "Cute."

Ariel's cheeks went red as she shyly stared at the ground with a big grin but Mario didn't look as if he cared. Something tells me that Mario likes me but I hope i'm wrong, Ariel is clearly in love with him. 

We reached Mario's house and both hugged him goodbye. I couldn't help but miss him when he left, although Ariel is like a bestfriend to me she's always awkward when I cry and get upset, she never really knows what to do. To be honest I can't say much, i'm the same. But Mario is like a brother to me, he always knows exactly how to comfort me. 

"Want to do a" Ariel asked as we got into her warm house. It was really late at this rate, it was 6am and we both had no sleep at all. I shook my head and ran up to my bed where I fell asleep in seconds. 


I woke up to familiar voices whispering in the same room I was in. 

"She's awake!" A voice hissed.

"Tell her!" Hissed another.

"You know I can hear you." I moaned. I heard quiet laughter and I put my blanket over my head when I realized something.

That voice was Geo.

I felt my cheeks burn when I could smell his perfume. I can't let him see me, I look like a zombie in the mornings! 

"Wake up!" Ariel demanded, pulling my blanket off of me. "You're being lazy now!"

"I hate you." I snapped. I stood up and rubbed my eyes. 

Geo looked so handsome today. I mean, he looks handsome everyday. But today.. he looked amazing. He was wearing a leather males parka coat with a fur hood, a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans with some white trainers. He was concentrating on my face and giving me a look  full of concern with made him even more handsome.

He sat on my bed and leaned on the wall with me. 

"There's been some rumors about you on the internet." He said facing forwards and not bothering to look at me, "my mum has told everyone that you're the reason why I've forgotten my memory. Is that true?"

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