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I can't get a hold of Cora. She isn't answering her calls or texts. I'm starting to get worried. I've made up my mind and if she doesn't answer her phone then I'm leaving South America tomorrow and I'm heading to beacon hills . It's a long drive but I'm quicker running. I pack all my clothes into a rucksack and stuff a few photos in. I make sure the apartment is okay then head over to my bedroom. It's small but it's enough space for me. I put away the stray books and get ready for my long run ahead.


4 hours of running later and I reach the outskirts of beacon hills. The place reminds me of the horrid memories that lie beyond the sign.

The house going up in flames whilst me and Cora were outside climbing trees. We saw the hunters approach the house and we done what we were taught. Stay hidden. Being only 9 & 10 we had no clue that they were going to burn our family to the ground. When they left it was too late to save anyone. We heard the screams but the door was blocked so we couldn't get in. We ran to an abandoned building and stayed there till we were 12 & 13. Then we found the apartment but before we left beacon hills we entered the family vault and took some money. We bought the apartment and have stayed there ever since. We done online school since we couldn't go to public school. And now I'm back here where it all began.

I walk past the sign and straight into beacon hills. I ended up going to the vet clinic. I was the only one who knew about the emissary and that's because I followed mom out once. She realised I was there when she was going through the gate. She knew that it was too late to take me home so she made me promise not to tell anyone.

I open the door to the clinic and the dogs keep barking.

"I'm sorry but we're closed." Deaton said from the back room.

"I know the veterinarian part of you is closed but you promised my mother that you would always be there for us." I say.

I heard footsteps and deaton comes round the corner.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Anastasia"

"The pleasures all mine but I need to ask you something. Has Cora been here in beacon hills recently."

"Yes but she was captured by an alpha pack. Right now she is with Derek. I think he is going to be here soon so you're more than welcome to wait."

"I think I'll take up on your offer thank you."

You can tell I was the third most polite hale. My mother, Laura, then me. I liked to be around Laura when Cora wasn't there. She would always be around uncle Peter who was a real trouble maker.

I was about to sit on the seat when deaton offered me to sit in the back room whilst he worked on an animal.


3 hours later a boy around my age comes stumbling in to the room.

He goes to Deaton saying that his father is handicapped in his investigation because he doesn't know that supernatural stuff is going down all around him. Once he has explained he realises that I'm in the room. He says a lot of inappropriate words.

"Hi." I say with a smile and a giggle.

"Hey. Just forget about what I said please."

"No problem. I'm Anastasia."


Deaton then butts in.

"Stiles do you mind taking Anastasia to Derek then we can talk."

"She knows Derek."

"I used to."

With that we left. The ride was silent until we pulled up to this big building. I have been told that he lives on the top floor. I go into the elevator and press the top button. The doors shut and the ride up is a bit creaky but apart from that is quite smooth. The doors open and I make my way to the door. I knock three times before the door opens. Standing at the door is my uncle peter. Before I know what I'm doing my arms are around him in a big hug. He hugs back straight away.


"Uncle Peter."

"I can't believe you're alive. Derek is asleep in his room and coras asleep in hers."

"I think we should give them a wake up call the fun way."

We go to the kitchen and grab some ice and water. First we go to Cora because Derek is a deep sleeper. We pour the water over her and she wakes up gasping.


"This gets back at you for not contacting me in 4 months. Do you know how worried I was."

"I'm so sorry but I was captured. I'm just glad you're here."

"Now to Derek." Peter says.

We walk through the corridor and into Derek's room. He still snores like a pig. We sneak to his bed then dump the ice on him. He wakes up straight away chittering.

"ANASTASIA." He shouts in disbelief.

"The one and only." He grabs me and pulls me down so I'm on the bed covered in ice.

"Stop it it's cold" I squeal.

Everyone laughs. We can hear the door open and a voice shout for Derek. He gets up and leaves. I then start an ice fight with Cora and Peter. This is the most fun I've had since the fire.

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