The World

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"Thanks for coming guys!" You stood by your door waiting to let them out, hugging your colleague and friends, and thanking them for your birthday gifts.

You hadn't wanted to make a big deal of your 29th birthday, just a small meal with your favourite people.

"You are welcome!" Penelope Garcia hugged you tightly, smacking her lips to your cheek. You rubbed awkwardly at the lipstick mark you knew you now had there.

"Where's Reid?" You asked her, looking around your apartment.

"Just putting the wine back in your kitchen, he'll be out in a second."

As if by magic, he then appeared, running his hand through his messy hair and then shrugging his coat on.

"Did ya do it Spencer? Did ya put the wine back in the kitchen?"

You frowned slightly at Penelope, seeing Spencer roll his eyes at her, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Yes Penelope. I put the wine back in the kitchen."

She let out a small squeak, composing herself quickly and you looked between the two. Reid shrugged and you accepted that perhaps your friend had just simply had too much to drink.

"Take care of her okay, you know what she's like when she's been drinking. Make sure she gets home okay," you leaned in to hug your closest friend on the team, hugging him slightly tighter than normal.

"Of course.....designated driver and all that, I'll see her right to her door. Happy birthday Y/N."

In a very un Spencer like move, he kissed your cheek lightly before pulling away and smiling at you. You smiled back at him and waved them out of the door, hearing him mumbling at Penelope.

Laughing to yourself, you closed the door and started to collect up the rest of the empty bottles. Tonight had been a good night. Dinner and drinks with friends, a truly wonderful evening filled with laughter. And the amazingly thoughtful gifts they'd all got you, especially Spencer.

Since your break up with your boyfriend eleven months ago you started spending a lot more time outside of work with him. You'd always got on, enjoying a shared taste in films and classical music. You'd drifted apart slightly when you'd gotten into your relationship, Joel didn't like you spending so much time with another male and you of course had wanted to keep your boyfriend happy. The boyfriend that had then proceeded to cheat on you. But that was eleven months ago and now yours and Reid's friendship was stronger than ever.

His birthday gift to you had been perfect, two tickets to the opera. Madame Butterfly to be exact. You'd take Spencer, naturally. And you knew that you'd have a fabulous evening, you always did when you were with him.

More recently you'd been starting to wonder if there wasn't anything more between you. You enjoyed his company an incredible amount and you always felt comfortable and safe around him. When he'd had to go out of town for two weeks to assist with a case down in New Orleans, you'd missed him far more than you thought you should have done. But yet, you didn't want to risk anything. Your friendship was too precious for you to risk blowing it by suggesting that maybe this could be more.

Entering your kitchen your arms full of empty wine and beer bottles you spotted a small gift wrapped box on your counter. Relieving yourself of the bottles you curiously picked it up, noticing Spencer's scrawl on the label.

"Happy birthday, love Spencer"

His other gift to you had simply read 'from Spencer'. Why the difference, and if he'd gotten you another gift, why hadn't he stayed around to see you open it? You peeled off the gift wrap carefully. There was a box under the wrapping, a card perfectly cut to the box size resting on top, words again written in Reid's scrawl.

"If I could, I would. This is the closest I could get."

Frowning slightly you opened the box, gasping when you saw what was inside.

Resting on purple tissue paper was a beautiful silver necklace, a circular pendant attached to it. On the pendant was a perfectly miniature painted map of the world, glazed over with some sort of varnish that made it shimmer. Tears sprung to your eyes as you recalled a conversation you'd had with him nine months ago. You'd still been raw over your break up with Joel and had been lamenting the misery of your love life.

"I just want someone who would love me unconditionally, ya know? Someone who would give me the world and only ask for my love in return."

You slipped the pendant around your neck and grabbed your bag, slipping on a pair of ballet flats.

Heading out onto the street you spotted a passing cab with its light on. Luck was on your side today and you successfully flagged it down, giving him Spencer's address. Arriving there ten minutes later, you paid the cabbie and hopped out, buzzing Spencer's apartment. No response, but then again he had been dropping Penelope off first before returning home. Settling down on the steps outside his building you waiting, silently cursing yourself for not bringing a jacket.

Spencer pulled up ten minutes later, parking across the street and walking to his building. He only saw you when you stood up, waiting for him. He balked slightly, shoving his hands into his pockets as he strode awkwardly over to you, his eyes on the new piece or jewellery adorning your neck.

When he was close to speak to, you didn't think anymore, the words just falling from your mouth.

"You gave me the world."

"Because you deserve it," he spoke quietly, unsure.

"I just want someone which would love me unconditionally. Someone who would give me the world and only ask for my love in return...." You quoted your exact words from nine months ago.

"I'm not... I'm not asking for any thing in return.... I just wanted you to know that...that erm, there is someone willing to give you everything. I'm not expecting anything in return... "

You stepped closer to him. "What if I want to give you something? What if... what if I want to give you my love in return?"

You stared at each other, your eyes searching each others as you waited for him to respond. He breathed deeply before he did.

"Then that would make me the happiest man in the world."

Lunging forward you wrapped your arms around his neck, his arms embracing you tightly, the heat of his body warming you.

Turning your head to the side you whispered into his ear, "Thank you. It's beautiful."

"Just like you are."

Breaking apart, you grinned at him.

"Smooth, Spencer. Now... Can we go inside, I'm freezing here. I rushed out as soon as I found the necklace, and I'd rather not get hypothermia before we get chance to have our first kiss."

He chuckled lightly, reaching into his deep coat pockets for his keys.

"Let's go inside then, I definitely don't want you to catch hypothermia."

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