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The wind howling outside signaled a terrible deal that was to be signed in blood and buried in stone.

"Sister, why must your terms be so cruel?" asked the queen, as she braced herself against the balcony overlooking the kingdom. Her dark hair has whipping against her skin from the howling winds, but at this point she did not care.  She looked over at her sister. Pale ghoulish skin and vivid red hair, she was undeniably beautiful, but she looked nothing like the rest of her family who all shared the same trait of brown hair, emerald green eyes, and porcelain skin.

"My terms are possibly the most generous I have to offer." The queen's sister remarked coldly.

The small sliver of hope that had once remained had vanished completely- there was no going back. Nothing to stop her from what she was about to do.

The sound of whistling arrows and elemental bombs echoed and boomed down below. The vibrations seemed to shake the whole country, and crumbled bits of loose debris broke off from the once unbreakable stone walls. This reminded her once again, that she was doing this to save her people. She would end this war, or else her people, innocents, would die by the thousands. Like her mother before her, she did not have a cowards heart- she was willing to die for the greater good even if she was the only person who would know she did the right thing.

The queen pondered a moment of what it felt like to die. Her terrible unknown fate to happen so soon? Apparently so, and her daughter made as the bargaining chip made it much worse.

Her baby girl, Vaynalise, was to become one of the most powerful queens this nation has seen in centuries. She had to be. Her mother, a descendant from some of the most powerful magic wielders on the globe. And her father, whom the entirety of the globe worshiped and prayed to, a god. Powerful as Vaynalise were to become, her other daughter, Kayn, was stronger than anyone she knew. She would survive Chlorals wrath. She knew it. Kayn would help Vaynalise, and if she didn't, if something happened to Kayn, then perhaps there would be no hope for their country after all. 

The queen's sister, Chloral, continued to stare at the queen. Chloral had a malicious smile upon her face that brought out a strange combination of evil and innocence.

She knew. She knew the queen's answer.

"Well sister, sign the document." 

The queen pricked the delicate skin on her wrist- her fingers were too callused from helping the servants to draw blood. The blood bled out in beads and pearls, reminding her of the voice that echoed in her head, but also reminding her of the blood of innocents that would be spilled if she did not do this.


As the cold harsh evilness that was the knife touched her skin, she felt her throat tighten. 
"Oh," Chloral said in a haughty voice, "And about our other arrangement...I will agree to it. I hope this one will overshadow your other daughter. Or it will be a pity." when Chloral saw the look on her sisters face, Chloral seethed. 

"She is a disgrace to our bloodline, your daughter or not. Our bloodline that has been pure for centuries." The queen stiffened. If anyone was a disgrace in this family, it would be Chloral. After descendants of strong heroine and warriors, a proud history, the gene pool seemed to falter and produced her. A heartless monster who betrayed her own family and killed innocents without blinking an eye. 

"Do not shed pity on Kayn. She may one day use it against you." 

Kayn was more than the eye could see. Perhaps she was the only one who knew, but Kayn had secrets. She purposefully hid behind the mask of a pitiful girl that did not exist, and perhaps was more manipulative than anyone she knew. Even Choral- but an evil nature did not dwell in Kayns heart. She was loyal, and fierce. And she did what she had to do to survive.

Chloral did no more than stare at her sister with disbelief, clearly not caring.

Chloral scoffed. "The girl has no magic. She is worthless to me." And that's exactly what the queen wanted. An underestimation. 

"Then our agreement will do you justice." 

Chloral smiled, smiled so widely that the queen wouldn't trust the truthfulness of her keeping their arrangement.

"Sister, I want your blood on our contract, or otherwise I will not consider the "truths" you have told." Stated the queen plainly.
Chloral stared at her for a second. "Sure, what do I have to lose?" Chloral said, with a twisted smile upon her face.
Chloral pricked her finger. Her hands were soft and delicate with no calluses. Why royalty should be forced to work? They controlled the country, let the servants do what they're best at.

As Chloral smeared a perfect drop of royal blood on the parchment, the queen stared at her sister. The queen was horrified, so much in fact it created an ache in her heartstrings. Her own sister, who only valued power, would sign her death warrant with no remorse. There was no love in Chlorals eyes, as though she had no soul. An empty darkness disguised with crystaline blue.

But she had to be strong, this was for Vaynalise, and Kayn and her people. And by her father, let her be strong, let her be strong for this country, and strong enough to power over her aunt. The queen willed it, willed it so much she could feel power and magic coursing through her as she looked over the parchment and added another smear of blood on the golden paper.

The queen looked up at Chloral, and she was pleased about the expression upon her face. One that cracked her reserve. One that questioned her power.

"It is done Chloral." The queen said.

And then the castle walls gave way. Crumbling to the ground, and creating a disastrous sound that echoed along the valleys, and possibly the entire nation. An icy breeze possessed the entire land, and soon came flakes of snow that would be the beginning of a new Era. But there was something else that rang out, something that was powerful enough to be heard.


The queens visioned blackened, and she dropped dead.

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