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Through her teary eyes, Parker's chin trembled as she said, "You guys... I just need to tell you that I love you so much."

"You've only told us a trillion and six times," said Cisco. 

"This makes a trillion and seven," said Parker.

"Are your tattoo's ready?" asked Caitlin. 

"Readier than ever. I am so excited. It's been so long since I've been able to be bad. I love it. This is the role of a lifetime. And I can walk now. Do you know how--" 

"Remember that conversation where you said I give you headaches?" interrupted Cisco. 

"Briefly," said Parker.

"That's you, to me, right now," explained Cisco slowly.

"I don't like this at all," said Barry through their earpieces. 

"Relax, babe, I might be pregnant, but I can still kick some Earth-2 ass."

"I believe you. I believe in you," said Barry, then his voice softened, "Joe, oh my God. Why do I let her out of the house?"

"You are aware that did nothing, right?" asked Parker.

"I wanted you to hear that," lied Barry treacherously.

"Of course you did," sighed Parker, "Reverb? Killer Frost?"

"Gideon?" they chorused.

"I believe it's time to blow this out of the water."

"Not blow," offered Barry, "we want to make sure we don't blow this... water. Water? Isn't it Popsicle Stand?"

"Barry, hush, we're getting into the villain mood!" shamed Cisco. 

"Right, sorry, my bad."

"Parker?" asked Harry.

"Present, dear."

"Do not call me that. Look, Jesse's doing reading on relationships with Reverb, Gideon, and Killer Frost. Black Siren and Gideon do not have a good relationship. Play into that. Don't play nice."

"I'd never," agreed Parker.

Standing tall, Killer Frost, Reverb, and Gideon sauntered into the apartment complex. Cisco suggested they take the Emergency Staircase to the top floor. 

"Why the top floor?" asked Caitlin.

"Stairs? Cardio?" asked Parker.

"Unless you'd like to take the elevator. Oh, well, look at that-- it's not installed yet."

"Wouldn't she be on, like, the bottom floor? The strategic way to blow this building is from the bottom," said Caitlin.

"Phrasing?" asked Parker.

"Possibly," agreed Cisco, "Caitlin, my dear, all villains like to be at the highest spot possible. They like to be on top of the world. Higher than everyone else. In a position of power, perhaps, if you like."

"Wow," breathed Caitlin.

"Insightful," praised Parker.

"The costume gave me a villainous insight."

When the three made it to the top floor, they knew they were in the right spot. The door was already opened. Cisco looked to the girl's smugly. They tiptoed behind stocked shelves. Through mouthing and an abundance of hand signals, they decided that Parker would initiate the move.

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