Chapter Eight

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  • Dedicated to Mikaila Hoppe

You and Me by Lifehouse because that was the song I listening to when I wrote this.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Come Friday morning I woke up just in time to find Danny knocking on my window. 

I let him in first noticing he was in his jogging gear once more. He had that same sloppy kind of grin on his face as he let himself down.

“Just give me a sec,” I said keeping my distance because morning breath is gross.

My parents bedroom door was closed so that meant they would be sleeping in today. Then tip toed over to the bathroom. I combed my hair, splashed water over my face, dried, brushed, flossed, mouth washed, and wondered what Danny was doing by himself in my room at this very moment.

Once I felt like a decent person again I tip toed on back.

Danny was sitting in my computer chair on his phone immediately looking up at me which almost made heart stop. 

“Thanks for coming by again,” I said once again being brilliant.

Danny did a side ways grin as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

“Was that one of your friends you were texting?” 

I hoped that sounded smarter but not too nosey.

“Daniel,” he answered, “he can be a handful.”

“Uh oh what’s he done now?” I asked while sitting down on my bed.

Daniel got drunk and bi-curious.

I laughed then had to mentally slap myself because my parents were still sleeping.

“So things are going to be a little weird with Gary because of that,” he finished.

“Well speaking of friends Heather is mad at Charles but I think its because of his lack of affection. She just wishes he would be more of a boyfriend to her,” I said feeling myself relax.

This was looking to be a pattern. Every time I first saw Danny I would get so nervous and Danny would just sit there so normal. Granted I didn’t know him well enough yet, so whatever it was he was thinking… that was a mystery. Then his casual approach would loosen me up. Next we would be talking about whatever came next.

“She wont say it and I’m not trying to say anything bad about her,” I continued as he nodded slightly in agreement, “Charles doesn’t get it and heck I didn’t really even get it at first. Last night though when I was thinking about it. It was like oh well that makes sense now. People just need to say what’s on their minds and it would spare a whole of lot grief.”

Shut up Jake!

I looked away and asked, “How far did Daniel manage to go?”

Danny’s eye’s were on my curiously almost as if he wasn’t sure how to answer.

“A steamy make out but no one really saw them. Daniel woke up a few hours ago with Gary in his arms. He started to remember things. Daniel and I have been friends for years so we pretty much tell each other everything.”

“You grew up here?”

“My whole life.”

“Huh,” I mulled it all over.

“What about you,” he suddenly said making my head snap back up to look at him, “Didn’t you leave anyone behind?”

“Rose and Pete for the most part,” I answered, “I really kind of miss them. Last I heard Rose got a boyfriend and she wasn’t ever the kind to date. That was pretty much the biggest thing she and I had in common. All our other friends had dates and sometimes dated each other. Rose and I were like the bachelor and bachelorette of our school. No one could tie us down.”

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