Part 16 - Limbo

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Tashan's P.O.V

Have you ever felt like your in limbo. Stuck between wrong and right. Stuck between heaven and hell. Knowing that your the only one that can make a change, knowing your the one that the decision falls down to. These last few months my life has just been a blur. A few months ago I was a normal selfish playboy. Now I'm working, trying not to chase the girl of my dreams but miserably failing and worse of all holding a big secret that could either make or brake a family. Lisi's family. The girl of my dreams. God why me?

"Can I help you with anything miss?" I asked the lady staring at the wall of shoes in front of us.

"Oh that's ok I'm just browsing. Thanks" she replies not even turning towards me.

"Ok let me know if you need anything." I replied politely, walking away before she had a chance to reply.

Sometime this job was so boring, yes I got the job in Niketown, the boss was friendly and seemed to like me straight away, the female workers seemed to like me too; making sure they slipped me their phone number before I had even had my interview. It was interesting working there but even after just two weeks, repeating "May I help you with anything?" 10 times for the hour becomes frustrating sometimes.

"Sorry is it possible to get these in a size 5 please." someone behind me asked.

I turned to respond to her when I realised who she was, " Ella."

"Oh Tashan , I almost didn't recognise you."

She hugged me and spoke to me about my new job and how her pregnancy was going before saying, "So how's you and Lis going?"

"umm.." I didn't really know how to answer because although we spoke everyday I hardly saw her, not her fault of course but I was just always busy at work , looking after Princess or just exhausted.

"I haven't really seen her but I spoke to her this morning." I said looking down.

"Don't look so worried, at least you've spoken to her. I've been staying at Jacks so I haven't seen her since the BBQ. "

I was just about to continue our conversation when I noticed my unfriendly manager come out the store room looking moody as always, he looked in my direction giving me a disapproving look. So I quickly apologised to Ella for cutting our conversation short and took the trainers from her, going to find the correct sizes.

By the time I finished helping her she had bought three pair of trainers, two track suits and a couple of jackets and hoodies. And that was just for the unborn baby. He or she was gonna be a very spoilt child. She also bought Jayden and Alisia new trainers. With all the bags two of us had to help her to her car, I wasn't very surprised to see a white Land Rover parked there. Gosh I thought my family was rich.

She thanked me for my help before turning to get in the car, but before she did she said, "What time do you finish?"


"Come by the house about eight, Lisia will be ready, the rest of the plan is down to you.

Alisia's P.O.V

"I can't believe you're going in less than two weeks. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"You'll barely noticed I'm gone, I'll call you guys all the time and mum said I can come back every holiday so it won't be that bad."

"I guess I'll manage."

"you will don't worry, anyway enough about me, when was the last time you saw him Lis?" Jennifer asked.

"Like two weeks ago, he took me the cutest little restaurant, in was in the middle of nowhere but the food was beautiful. I don't really see him that often because he's got that job in Nike town now." I sighed.

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