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I am thinking of it..

I think this girl is some half-something too...

The girl at the left started to introduce herself as she face us.

"I-Im Leensjei Lin. Im from Pennsylvania. Actually Im half-chinese.. as you can hear in my surname.

Oh. So she is the one from Penn. Half-chinese huh.

She has her black long hair that suits her face. Pointed nose. Thin lips.

"Nice meeting you. And Im Jamie Shinohara. From West Virginia. I-Im half-japanese." She introduces and wave her hands on us.

Half-japanese? Hmmm..

Staffs here at NCU did a great choices of students.

Jamie has her short reddish-black hair with her cute bangs. Tiny eyes too and thin lips.

I guess its for me to introduce.

"And.. I am Elise Gayoung. From here, at north carolina. And im half-korean." I said then smile at them.

"Staffs really had an idea for picking students which is half-something." Leensjei stated.

"Is it good or bad?" Jamie asks.

"Uh i dont know." Leensjei awkwardly said.

"Oh well, just call me Leens." Okay. Leens said.

I just felt hungry. I ate only five pancakes lately and a two glass of milk. Im starving again!

"Uhm. Leens and Jamie, are you hungry? Did you ate your breakfast already? Come on I will treat you guys." I said and stood up grabbing my satchel

"But the dean will get disappointed on us if we leave this office without his permission." Jamie says but I smiled.

"No. He willnt get disappointed. Im hundred percent sure. So come on." I said then leens just shrug.


After we ate in some knowned restaurant here in city, we go back in campus.

Leens and Jamie said that they're going back now to their own places to pack their things.

And we will see each other next month at the airport of washington.

And I knew it. They are kpop fan too. And the good thing about that is... they are exo-l too.

What a great coincidence!
Oh thanks.

Leens is chanyeol and baekhyun biased.
Jamie is luhan and sehun biased.
And ofcourse, me, who is kyungsoo and jongin biased.

Im so glad to know that they stan exo.

Well.. im sure that we will be friends because, besides of being half-somethings and have no friends, we are all exo-l.


Now, Im travelling to washington's intl airport for our flight.

Mom is the one who is driving and Im sitting next to her.

Dad is still sleeping at house. He cant go with us because he's tired from work.

We leave house for about 3am. And the travelhours is almost 12hours.

My phone vibrate in my pocket so I grab for it.

From: Dad
지겨주고 시퍼, 사랑해 자기요.

I laugh as I read dad's message. He's to over reacting. Ofcourse I will protect myself.

To: Dad
아라서. 절대로 잊지 않을 거야. 약속할게 네가 실망 안 하게.

We arrived at the airport, finally, I want to buy snacks. Im hungry again.

Well. Im seriously not comfortable with my outfit today.

Wearing my black cropped-top, black ripped-jeans, dark brown boots that compliments my hair color, messy hair-bun, fucking red lipstick and my shitty sunglasses.

I guess I cant sleep in airplane with this kind of... dress!

But I have no choice.

I jumped-out in mom's car and grab my luggage and my louis vuitton bag out of the compartment.

"Annyeong, eomma!" I waved my hand to mom and walk towards the entrance.


We're now inside the airplane. Im right next to the windowpane. Leens is sitting infront with Jamie.

I shocked when someone in black mask with black cap sit besides me.

He remove now his cap but still wearing a black mask.

My eyes landed on his golden-blonde hair. Its so bautiful to describe.

Im surprised when he looks at me.

Our eyes met each other.

My eyes grew a little bit wide.

But he's still in cold facial expression.

I looked away in different direction to avoid contacting with this person right sitting besides me.

Seriously... why my heart is racing right now?

I feel weird about this man.

It feels like I know him...

I want to know who is this man with golden-blonde hair.

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