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Okay so I've been reading the comments and everything for the past couple years. Yes, years. I wrote this book back in 2013/2014 and honestly, I don't even remember what it's about. Ive been reading a lot of comments about rape and abuse and honestly I think I wrote this as a stereotypical fan-fiction and I apologize because rape is a serious matter as the victim number is rising.
I'm trying to write a better book, I'm not sure if it's going to be a fan fiction yet because of the current hiatus and what not.
I apologize for the stereotypical fanfic I wrote and I don't think I'll edit because I wrote this awhile ago as a second step towards writing and it being an experience all together.

And yes- nemo as in finding nemo.

7/12/16  5:40 pm.


If anyone has suggestions for another book please tell me. I'll take anything into consideration.

I recently published a new book called 'Aster'. It's not a fan fiction but I'd love the support.

7/16/16  3:01 am

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