Part 47: Make You Jealous

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A week after the night Ryker came over to apologize or whatever, it was time for final exams. I had told myself over and over that I was going to study but honestly, who was I kidding? I wasn't gonna study at all.

My mom had come home from her honeymoon with Christopher in Mexico and I was so excited she was home. They'd come back with souvenirs for me, such as a shirt, necklace, ring, and a bag. I loved them all.

I'd also gotten my cast off which felt amazing, might I add. I could do anything I wanted now, not that I actually did stuff, but you know what I mean.

Moving on, Xander was in my living room right now with a copy of every novel we read in English class this year laid out in front of him with a stack of notecards. He set everything up on the coffee table as I sprawled across the couch with my limbs hanging off, sucking on a Jolly Rancher. He sat faced towards me, asking questions to try and help me study.

"What is the name of the guy who created the monster in Frankenstein?" Xander asked as he kneeled in front of the table and flipped one of the notecards over.

"Uh, wasn't it Benvolio?"

Xander stared at me as if I had two heads. "Benvolio is in Romeo and Juliet. We read that story sophomore year, not this year. Come on, Eve. This is probably the easiest question you will get. It most likely won't even be on the exam because of how straightforward it is."

I groaned and picked my body up so I was sitting up straight. "X, I'm screwed. Just let me copy off your test."

"Mm-mm. No way," he said, shaking his head.

I gave him my puppy dog eyes and pouted, folding my hands together. "Pleeeaaaseee."

"Only if you answer this next question."

"Alright, ask away," I said, sweeping out my arm.

Xander shuffled through his index cards and looked up once he was satisfied. Without reading off the card, he asked, "How are you and Ryker doing?"

I choked on my candy and quickly swallowed it, grimacing when it painfully slid down my throat when it had still been too big. "Uh, we're fine."

The truth was, we were doing really well. We hung out all the time and I found my love for him grow more and more. He's shown me the real him who's kind and caring and loving.

And here Xander was, cheering me on. He'd broken up with Riley and she took it very well. They were now really good friends and still did things together. It was basically the same relationship they had, just without the whole dating aspect.

"That's good," he said, keeping his eyes on mine a second too long before turning back to his notecards and continued to ask me questions that I didn't know the answers to until he decided it was time for him to go home for the night.

I hugged and kissed my mom goodnight before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. I changed my clothes and sat on my computer listening to Two-Strings as I searched for some posters I could buy to cover up the remaining wall space in my room.

My phone buzzed next to the computer and I picked it up without looking at who was calling since it really could only be from Xander or Ryker.


"Evangeline, I need your help."

"Hannah?!" I yelled, incredulously.

"Mhm. Now you really have to help me," she said and I could tell she hated every second of asking for my help.

I was so curious as to what she wanted me for so I asked, "With what?"

"You're like super close with Xander Nash right?" She asked, hesitantly. Her change in tone made me second guess answering her call.

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