Chapter eleven

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Picture of Dante
~Eleven days later~

It's been Eleven days since I talked to Shannon, and it's been all my fault. She has called three times after two days, but I never answered them. Not because I didn't want to, but because a lot of things been happening. My agent has me back to traveling to Europe and he has also got me a movie deal by a well known director, which is exciting. Every time I try to pick up the phone and call her my agent always shows up saying.

"Leave it alone until you're back at home. You don't want her distracting you with her drama, plus this might be the distance you need."

I of course listened for some dumb reason and now I'm regretting it. The things I've been doing here and visiting all were fun and vibrant, but sadly I've never got to really enjoy. All I've been thinking about is Shannon and Story, mostly Shannon though. It's a shame my friends even called and told me I fucked up once I had time to explain it to them. In all my years of growing up and being around them I have never seen them be so disappointed in me. Daniel called me out my name the most and it stung because he's like the cool dad of the group, that you don't want to disappoint.

I wish I would have listened to myself and made her stay that night and gave her the distance she needed, while being in the same area as me. Now it just looks like I've ignored her. I tried calling yesterday because I finally had a break to breathe and be away from people. Of course she didn't answer, even though I knew she wasn't going to answer me. It was still frustrating to say the least seeing I wasn't proven wrong. Joshua told me that the other day he saw Shannon and Story with another guy sight seeing. Hearing hurt me in all honesty. It's like she gave up on us, but then again it did look like I gave up on us as well.

Right now, I'm on my way back home to Australia to go and get ready for this dinner meeting with this director. To be honest I might just skip it or be late and show up to Shannon's house and force us to sit down and talk it out. But of course my agent isn't having that. He's going as far as coming back to my place with me to make sure I don't make us late for this meeting. I would fire his incompetent and ignorant ass, but then again he has a point. This movie could be a real turning point for me. I mean what else can I do? I've looked over the script and my hands are tied. The plot and all is magnificent that I know anyone would jump at this deal.

I picked up my phone aimlessly scrolling through my contacts until I come across Alexis contact. I've been debating for awhile on whether or not to call her to ask about Shannon, but when I click it I have to hang up immediately because I'm magically always needed. Clicking on her name I hear it start to ring.

A: "Hello?" her gently voice says.

L: "Hey, how are you?"

A: "I'm okay. What can I help you with Lucas?"

I can tell she's fiddling with her fingers, by the nervousness in her voice.

L: "I'm good and I was calling to see if you are around Shannon?"

A: she clears her throat. "No, I-I'm sorry Lucas."

She's lying.

L: "Come on Alexis help me out. I know I messed up, but I have a really good excuse to my absence. Just let me talk to her." I beg.

No I don't...well not one that's good enough.

A: "Lucas, I'm sorry. I've been told to not talk to you no more and also because I don't personally like the way you ignored my sister. So no, you have t-to man up f-for your own m-mistakes and fix them."

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