Can We Cuddle? (Ministar #2)

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A/N I had to republish this one because I wrote the title as 'Ministar #1' but I've already done a Ministar imagine. Sorry!

Simon's POV

I was sat editing at 4am, so tired I was almost falling asleep in my chair. I couldn't stop editing though, I promised Josh we would record some more of that challenge series today, and I needed my video done. I sighed, running my hand through my hair and leaning back. I had been trying to edit this football video for around 8 hours, and it just wasn't working. The audio wasn't syncing with the video, the music wasn't working, and one of the cameras I had been using whilst recording was out of focus. I leant forward again, going back to editing.

At that moment, my door creaked open and Vikk popped his head round the doorway. I spun round on my chair to face him. His hair was all over the place and his SDMN shirt was wrinkled, so, obviously, he had just got out of bed.

"Hey Si." He whispered tiredly.

"Hey." I replied.

"You still editing?" Vikk asked.


"I thought you started that at, like 10 pm?"

"Yeah. It's not working."

"Why don't you take a break?"

"I can't, I've got to get this finished and uploaded so I can record with Josh tomorrow. Well, I suppose it's today now." I said, laughing without humour.

"I'm sure he won't mind. You need to sleep."

"I can't. I promised him."

"He can record with me instead." Vikk said, smiling and running a hand through his messy hair.

"You've got enough to do."

"No, it's fine!"

"You've got 3 channels to upload on, I've only got 2. I'll be fine."

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Um... Last night?"

"No, it was 3 nights ago, but you only slept for 45 minutes. You seriously need to sleep!"

"I'm ok. I promised Josh!"

"He'll understand."

"I've got to, I promised him."

"Just sleep. Please, Si."

"I can't."

"You can." Vikk said, taking my hand and pulling me gently towards my bed. I didn't resist. "I'm not leaving until you fall asleep!"

"Ok..." I said. sitting down on the bed. Vikk lay down on the opposite side, lifting the duvet up and taking my hand, pulling me down. He pulled the duvet over us and snuggled down, not letting go of my hand.

"Can we cuddle? I'm cold." Vikk said sweetly. Nodding, I pulled him closer and put my arm around him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He tucked his head into my chest and I put my head on his, closing my eyes. After a few minutes, I let myself sink into the blackness of sleep.

*Timeskip brought to you by "I don't need consent, you're of age!" -Josh 2016*

I was woken by Vikk shaking me, and opened my eyes to see Josh pointing a camera at me and Vikk, laughing like a maniac and yelling "Ministar! Ministar!". This could be difficult to explain to the fans...

Sidemen Imagines/One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt