48. You Get Knocked Up (CALM)

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If I were to elaborate on the title it would be as follows: 'you get knocked up by someone who isn't a member of 5sos because you still have another full chapter before that one'

That reminds me, do y'all have baby-daddy brother pair requests? Like 'my baby daddy is Luke and my bro is Michael' keep in mind there will be 2 chapters so plenty of spots to fill

Just so y'all know, these aren't all cliche teen pregnancy ones, I tried to branch out a little

Ashton: Bc he's the most mature
A few birds sung happily and fluttered about on the perfect summer day. The happy flowers bobbed in the slight breeze as fat bumblebees, so weighed down by their pollen they could barely stay airborne, lazily buzzed among them. There was no doubt that if you could, you would be outside enjoying one of the rare days where you could make no complaints about the weather. However instead of enjoying the outdoors you were slumped over the toilet in your bathroom rethinking the entire rest of your life. It was probably a good thing you had taken shelter as there were some nasty storm clouds on the horizon, and that some bad things were going to go down when you showed your boyfriend, and worse, your brother, the little stick that was perched on your outstretched palm. It was a harbinger (that awkward moment when you spell 'harbinger' as 'hairbringer') of bad news. Or perhaps it wasn't the stick, but what it stood for, that little blue plus sign meant there was a 99% chance you were pregnant. Pregnant at Y/A by your boyfriend. It wasn't a realization that was easy to come to, but you knew it wasn't something you could will away or simply ignore. You had to face the music, you were going to be a mother. At this point however you were still freaking out, you felt nauseous and had a horrible headache, but that could've been a side effect. At some point terminating the pregnancy had crossed your mind since you nor your baby's father were prepared but you also knew that abortion wasn't easy. Even if what was in your uterus wasn't really a baby yet you didn't feel eliminating it was the right choice for you. Either way, Ashton was definitely not going to be a happy camper.

You weren't sure who to tell first, were you obligated to tell Y/BF/N since it was his DNA in the little bundle of cells? Or Ashton by familial obligation? Neither of them seemed like good candidates as you weren't sure how they would react and you needed someone who would tell you it would all be okay. You were neck-deep in uncertainty and a few kind words about how you would make it out alive would be greatly appreciated. You picked yourself off the floor and walked back into your bedroom. Who did you know that never judged you? That you could talk to about anything? Much to your surprise the first name that popped into your head was Calum.

The more you thought about it the better it seemed. Calum was a reasonably neutral third party, and he had never judged you in the past. When you had first moved in with Ashton Calum had always been there, almost like a second brother. The two of you were very close and although he would doubtlessly be disappointed, you knew he would help.

With shaky hands you grabbed your phone. The thought of telling anyone, even Calum, was pressing down on you.

What if turns around and tells Ashton?

What if he doesn't understand?

What if he doesn't care?

You tried your best to shake off the negative thoughts as you brought up the brunets contact. You opted to call him instead of text as there was a lot to say and you needed to hear his voice.

Your fingers tapped impatiently on the mattress as you waited for him to pick up.

"Y/N? Are you okay? Is everything alright?" Calum's deep voice appeared. Just hearing him made your eyes fill up with tears and you held back a sob.

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