Dinner With The Potter's

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Chapter 43: dinner with the Potter's
-Bex p.o.v.-

Christmas break was soon upon us, only a hours away. So for that time, I decided to finish my last minute packing.

"Why do you not pack before?" Lily sighed from where she sat on her perfectly made bed.

"I don't see why I have to pack before it's time to go." I shrugged, "it's called packing at the appropriate time."

"No, you pack at the last minute, we leave at noon and you're packing just hours before hand."

I rolled my eyes, "I see no difference."

"Well I see plenty of difference." Lily rolled her eyes playfully right back at me.

"Yeah yeah yeah, Miss. Over-Achiever." A smirk played on my lips, playfully making an appearances and disappearing when I turned back to face my bag.

"So you'll be visiting a week before Christmas Eve, yeah?" Lily asked.

I looked at her over my shoulder, "Lily, that's only the fifteenth time you've asked me," I giggled.

"I'm just making sure!" She giggled along with me, "Sev will be coming as well."

"That's wonderful." I grinned, "and mum will be making cookies?"

Lily giggled again, rolling her eyes, "yes, doesn't she always when you visit?"

"It's not my fault she makes the most delicious cookies ever." I grinned.

Once I had finished so elegantly throwing random things into my bag, we both went down to the common room. "What took so long?" Marlene asked, standing from her spot next to Wood, Alice, and Frank Longbottom.

"Bex decided that she would save all of her packing for last minute." Lily bumped her hip with mine playfully.

I giggled, "it's called packing at a reasonable time." I shrugged.

Alice giggled while rolling her eyes, "ready to go?"


"Awe! Come on! It's just a little snow!" Marlene grinned.

"But I don't like it, it's evil." I frowned, jutting my lip out in a pout.

"All we want is to spend a little time in the snow, that's all we ask of you." Wood chuckled, throwing an arm over Marlene's shoulder.

"Whatever." I groaned, but complied to my friends wishes. "You're all lucky that I'm such a nice person."

"Yes, the nicest." Marlene drawled playfully. We all laughed, heading out onto the grounds together.

"See, isn't this fun?" Alice grinned, spinning around, her arms spread out.

"Yeah, great fun." I frowned, leaning against the trunk of a tree. My arms were crossed and I was looking up at the empty branches of the tree, snow was gathering on the thick branches, weighing them down.

"Come play with us!" Marlene giggled, tossing a handful of snow at Wood.

"No thanks." I shook my head, "I'm perfectly fine right here." I reached up to pat a branch affectionately.

"Awe! Come on!" Frank chuckled, his eyes sparkled as he teasingly grinned, slowly making his way towards me.

"I like this tree, it's such a wonderful tree." I tried again.

"Too late," he launched himself at me. Frank wound his arms around me, tossing me into a pile of soft snow.

I frowned, looking up at him and his victorious smirk. "I think you're as evil as this pile of snow I'm sitting in."

He chuckled grabbing a handful and sprinkling it over my head. It landed on my bare skin, melting almost as soon as it landed on me. Everyone was all bundled up, wearing layers, while I was wearing my normal attire.

With a bored look on my face I leaned back, lying in the snow, allowing Frank and Alice to throw snow on me. At least the couple was having fun together, even if it was to my expense.

When the group had finally had enough of the outside weather, we made our way inside the castle. I stood, brushing myself off, even if I didn't have anything on myself. The snow melted when it made contact with me, leaving droplets of water which we dried in seconds due to my heat.

"I can't believe I allowed you to talk me into going out in the snow." I pouted, plopping down on the couch by the fire.

"It was fun!" Lily giggled.

"No it wasn't," I denied.

She just giggled.

The rest of the morning was spent hanging around and saying goodbyes to friends. At twelve o'clock everyone made their way to the grounds. All of the people that would be going back home for the holidays loaded the carriages and started towards the train waiting in the Hogsmeade station.

As I had already said goodbye to my father, promising to see him Christmas morning, I loaded the train. Lily gave me a hug before leaving with the others to a different compartment. I on the other hand went to the very last compartment, going to where I the boys told me they would be.

The train ride was fairly normal, aside from the fact that we had set off smoke bombs in various compartments, gaining us detention for when we got back. We had also bought all of the candy from the trolly lady, stuffing ourselves full. The guys had also decided to start a game of strip poker. I had decided to sit the game out so only James and Sirius were facing each other.

When the train came to a stop the boys were hungry once more. Having eaten all of the snacks, not being smart enough to save any for later, they were dying of hunger.

"Mum," James groaned, searching the crowd for his parents.

I laughed, following him out. Remus had finally decided to put his book away and pay attention to where he was going. Sirius however looked like a lost puppy, along with Peter.

"Bye guys." Peter mumbled. "My mum and dad are here." He pointed over to a pair that looked very similar to Peter.

"Bye Pete!" I waved him off, watching as the boy waddled away. "Well guys, I'll see you later," I turned back to the other boys. Giving a wave I started away from them.

"James Potter, did you not inform the girl that she was welcome over at our house for dinner?" A stern voice asked, interrupting the silence.

I looked over my shoulder curiously, A couple had made their way behind James, the man placing a hand on James' shoulder and the woman with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Sorry mum, I forgot." James scratched the back of his neck. "My parents would love for you to join us for dinner."

"Oh no! I wouldn't want to intrude," I politely turned down. Giving the couple a smile and shacking my head.

"Nonsense dear, it's no trouble at all." She smiled brightly, insisting.

"Come here James," the man held his arms out for a hug. When James finished hugging the man he was pulled into the woman's arms, she squeezed him tightly, causing him to gasp for air.

Sirius let out one of his bark like laughs and opened his arms wide, "hey mum." He hugged the woman with a large grin on his face.

"Sirius, dear," the woman smiled.

"Hello son, how are you?" The man asked hugging Sirius as well.

"Great, and you?" He asked with a grin.

"Wonderful." The man chuckled.

While Sirius and the man conversed the woman turned to Remus, "hello Remus, dear, how are you doing? Well?" She asked while giving him a concerned look and began to fuss over him.

The woman grabbed my hand after she finished with Remus, pulling me along behind her, "come along dear."

James sent me an apologetic look, falling into step with me. "Sirius and Remus will be joining us as well."

"That's very nice of you to invite me, Mrs. Potter." I smiled at the woman.

"Oh please, dear, call me Eleanor!" She gave a cheerful giggle. Her long red hair swished behind her, it wasn't a red that matched Lily's, Mrs. Potter's hair was a deep red, it was the same color as red velvet cake. And her dark brown eyes held a bright glow, it was a calming feeling, looking into them.

Mr. Potter on the other hand looked exactly like James. They both had the same jet black hair that stuck up in odd angles and bright hazel eyes.

"I'm Bex, Bex Dumbledore." I introduced myself. "You two look very familiar, have we ever met?" I asked the couple, curiously.

They shared a look, "not that I can think of dear," Mr. Potter chuckled. "I think I would remember meeting Professor Dumbledore's daughter. How is he? It's been a while!"

"Dad's good, he loves being the headmaster." I smiled at them.

"Yes, I can remember." Eleanor smiled, "he was so fond of children."

"Yeah, he can't get enough of them." I giggled.

"So what do you have planned for the holiday?" Mr. Potter asked curiously as we entered the nippy air of the London weather.

"Well I was going to head home for a bit, stay at home, then about a week before Christmas Eve I was to go over to my friend Lily's house and spend the week with them. Then, on Christmas morning I was going to floo to Hogwarts and spend the day with my dad and then I was going to go back home." I explained to them.

"Oh no!" Eleanor shook her head with a frown, "there is no way I will allow you to spend the holiday cooped up in a house all by yourself!"

I giggled, "I wasn't going to be alone. I was going to have a visitor sometime during the last few days of holiday."

"You'll still be alone for most of the time," she frowned deeply. "Stay with us for the time that you were going to be home alone."

"No," I shook my head, "I can't do that. I'd feel horrible, I wouldn't want to intrude in your home."

"It wouldn't be intruding dear," she smiled at me with only love and care shining through her eyes. "We would love for you to stay with us."

"Think about it, will you?" Mr. Potter asked.

"Yeah! It'd be great to have you around!" Sirius grinned. James and Remus spoke their agreement.

"Alright, I'll think about it." I smiled at the group.

"This way dear," Eleanor pulled on my arm, leading me to the sidewalk. When we were out of sight from everyone around us Mr. and Mrs. Potter instructed us to grab ahold of their arms. Quickly, they apparated away, taking us with them.

I felt the familiar feeling of being shoved into a tube and being blown in a direction. It reminded me of a wad of paper being stuffed into a straw and shot at someone's head.

We landed in a large room, the decorations were grand and beautiful. From what I could see, the whole house was expertly decorated and the mold was beautifully crafted and the marble was wonderfully sculpted. It was an amazing sight to see.

But not only did the house hold the air of being sophisticated and elegant, but it had a warm and homy glow.

"You have a beautiful home." I complemented, glancing around.

"Why thank you, dear." Eleanor smiled, "would you mind giving me a hand in the kitchen? Dinners almost ready."

"Yes, of course." I followed her into a kitchen that would make many woman jealous. The open kitchen smelt wonderful, the dinner already mostly cooked.

"Can you just take that out?" She gestured to the chicken that was in the oven.

I grabbed the oven mittens and pulled the poultry from the hot oven, placing it on the stove and turning the oven off.

After spending ten minutes in the kitchen the meal was completely finished and set up on the table.

"Would you mind going to get the boys? They should be in the living room." Eleanor asked.

"Yeah, sure." On my way there I passed an open door, peeking in I saw Mr. Potter. "Mr. Potter," I called for his attention. "It's time for dinner."

He smiled, "thank you dear, and please, call me Charlus."

"Okay, Charlus." I smiled and started for the living room once more, Charlus following me out.

The boys were sitting on the couch, talking about what they thought they should do over the break. "Hey guys," I entered the room. "It's time for dinner."

"Good!" James exclaimed, "I'm starving!" The boys hurried to the dining area.

Once everyone was gathered around the table, the food was passed around, allowing everyone to serve themselves. Charlus sat at the head of the table, Eleanor on his right side and me next to her, Remus sat on my other side. James sat on his fathers left with Sirius next to him and across from me.

"So I couldn't help but notice, Eleanor," I started to speak to the woman that sat next to me. "That Sirius also called you mum," I stated curiously.

"Yes, he lives with us." She smiled fondly at the boy across from me.

"Yes, they mentioned it before," I nodded, thinking of the time when the boys told me about how Sirius had run away from his family just before school started and came to live with James.

"And he's such a wonderful boy, I think of him as another one of my sons. Remus as well." She smiled at the three boys.

"That's very sweet," I couldn't help but smile as well. Eleanor, it seemed, had quite the infectious smile.

"So, Bex, James mentioned before that you play quidditch. He said that you joined the team?"

I looked at Charlus with a nod, "yes, I'm a beater."

He looked impressed, "it's not everyday you see a girl playing that position." He chuckled.

"Yes, it was the only position that I didn't get bored of." I lied smoothly. I was bored of the entire game, but the position did get a little interesting when it came to playing against people I didn't like.

"I'd love to see you play sometime." He smiled, "we usually go to see the championship game in April."

"How wonderful." I smiled.

The night went smoothly. By the end of the meal the two adults were very fond of me.

"So we'll send the boys over at eleven and by the time you all get back I'll have brunch done!" Eleanor smiled.

"Alright." I nodded. "Thanks again for the wonderful dinner, I'll see you tomorrow."

The couple had been saddened when I told them that I couldn't stay the night because I had to go home and make sure everything was good so that I was able to spend the holiday with them. But they smiled when I told them that I would in fact be spending the holiday with them at their manor.

"Bye Bexster." James smirked at the horrible nickname and gave me a hug.

"See ya Jamesie." I winked playfully, used the nickname that I knew he hated as payback.

He sent me a look but was pushed out of the way before he could say anything. Sirius enveloped me in a big hug, "bye gorgeous." He whispered in my ear. "I'll see you in the morning." He promised, pulling away and sending me a wink.

"Goodbye Bex," Remus smiled and hugged me.

"Bye Remus." I smiled back.

Throwing the floo powder in the fireplace and disappearing. "I'm home," I called throughout the empty manor. Even the house elves were out shopping for food for the holiday. I was alone.

So what did you guys think? She met the Potter's and even had dinner with them! How fun! And now she's gonna spend the holiday with them! Yay! Hahaha so how do you think it will affect the holiday she has planned with Lily?
Comment, vote, share, fan, follow, and everything else thanks guys!

And hey! Guess what! I ran out of gummy worms :( now I'm going to the store to get more! Yay! Lol

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