Chapter Thirty Three

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Later that evening after the sun had set, Elena became restless from lying about, unable to sleep any more. She had dozed too much, but it was a long way until dawn. She went out onto the balcony connected to her rooms which overlooked the sea. The sky had deepened to a blue-black field decorated by a thousand tiny points of light. The stars were bright enough to light up the water which reached up its foamy waves and slapped into the stone walls of the fortress that rose up out of the sea. She sighed, breathing in the warm night air tinged with sea scent. For a change, the air was still.

On the far end of the balcony, which ran the whole length of this level, sat Liran in a chair reading by lamp light. He was far enough away, his room being on the very end and hers nearly at the other end, that she could have left him politely to his reading, but without meaning to, she found herself wandering over.

"What are you reading?"

Liran folded the book and placed it on his lap. "Just a text on healing from the healer's college in Kalad."

"No military strategy?"

Liran smiled and shook his head. "I realize I could read for many years in preparation to lead an army, and even then I would still lack the experience necessary for the task."

He rose and put the book on his seat. He stood beside her and leaned over the barrier looking out at the water.

"You fought with such skill and incredible speed today. I hadn't realized just how proficient you are. You managed to subdue Sandro without hurting him, and when you called for assistance from the soldiers, they leapt forward, eager to help. After today, I have no doubt that they will follow you and do whatever you ask of them."

He turned to her, the starlight limning the edges of his features. "I have been considering for a while what my role in all of this should be, but today I finally realized where I am needed most." He paused for effect. "When the time comes, you will lead this army. I know you will do well in this task."

Elena stood, breathless and silent as she absorbed his words. It was what she wanted, what she hoped for. Liran could defend himself more than well enough, but he had no military experience at all. She was pleased that he was wise enough to see that. Some would have wanted to lead, just for the glory, but Elena knew there was no real glory in war.

"What will you do, then?"

"I will counsel you, of course, in any way I can, but I realized today how much importance healers will be for our soldiers' survival. I will prepare a strategy and plan for an in-camp infirmary, train a staff of healers, and supervise the camp's operation when the time comes."

For a moment, Elena could only stare out at the stars, following their patterns to sketch the stories of her world in their lines. The Guardians were there, as related in the tales of old, acting out their parts among the forefathers of the Trillas and Hilliri people. At last she breathed again and turned to Liran.

"Thank you for your trust in me. I will endeavour to be worthy of it."

Liran didn't reply. It wasn't necessary.

It was late, and the quiet of nature pressed against them. Elena looked again at the stars.

"Do you learn the stories that the constellations tell in Estallium?"

"Yes, of course, although I must admit I wasn't always listening when they were taught."

Liran smiled. He looked up and pointed to a cluster.

"I like this one."

Low near the dark horizon there was a long line of evenly spaced stars that drew a vertical line. Elena shrugged, not recalling that particular one. "That is the Guardian Healer, Namilda." There was a twinkle in his eye as he spoke as if he held some joke inside but wouldn't tell.

"And over there..." he pointed to the west of the previous grouping to where an arc of stars facing upward was especially bright.... "that is Maylani, the Queen of the Guardians. She is brightest of them all as she spreads stars all across the sky."

"I don't know that one."

Liran nodded.

"Few know their real names. Most people call them by their roles. I just happen to have more than a passing acquaintance with them since several Guardians have been involved with my family over the generations."

This startled and fascinated Elena. She had never heard of such a thing from anyone she actually knew.

Elena was struck with a sudden thought.

"The Guardians, do they have maru? Is that what gives them their power?"

Liran stared at her in surprise.

"Yes, of course, but their maru is far greater than that of any being who walks in this world." He answered automatically, his eyes looking out into the distance, as if his mind was still busy with another thought. He returned his gaze to her, his expression surprised.

"You look as if you just made a discovery too."

A huge smiled crossed his features. "Indeed, I think I have. Meet me at dawn on the beach by the first cliff outcropping. I have to go to the library and check something now." His face was aglow with excitement such as Elena had never seen in him. He turned swiftly and went inside.

Elena stood in the same spot for a long while, continuing to trace the designs the stars made in the skies, all the while thinking about the man who was changing her life. Finally, after trying to ignore it for so long, she allowed herself to see what Sandro had seen all along, even in his addled state: she did indeed in love Liran. But as Galira pointed out, it made no difference.


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