Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Lacey's POV

I woke up early and went into the shower feeling the warm water soothe my aching muscles. After washing my hair I stepped out, drying my body before putting on my underwear, I stood looking at my body in the mirror. My skin seemed pale making the cuts and bruises stand out more than usual, I ran a finger over a large, purple bruise on my shoulder, making my whole body wince at the pain. I pulled on my school uniform before drying my hair and reaching up to tie it in a messy bun on the top of my head, making sure my bangs hung down beside my face. I applied light make up before taking my things back to my room. Elsie was still asleep when I went in so I decided to wake her.

"Els, what time do you leave for school?" I asked after lightly tapping her back.

"10 past 8" she mumbled, her voice full of sleep. I checked the clock on my phone.

"Okay you have half an hour" I turned to look in the full body mirror at the corner of the room, repositioning my tie before going to open the curtains. The second they opened light poured into the room making Elsie groan and hide her face under the covers.

"I'll get up in a minute" was the last thing I heard before turning and leaving the room.

Slowly I opened the door to Talia's room. She slept on the single bed, since she doesn't like sleeping on the top bunk. I laced my fingers in her soft brunette hair before whispering "Come on Tal, Wake up"

Her eyes fluttered open before landing on mine "Yay, school today" I smiled at how excited she was, I wish I could share the same enthusiasm.

"Up you get, I'll make you some breakfast" she nodded and took my hand. She changed into her new school uniform, a red jumper, grey skirt and knee high white socks. Then I brushed her hair and put it into a plait.

When we got downstairs Noah and Zara were already making breakfast and setting the table.

"Wow, you two are early birds" he said laughing. "Cereal or toast?" He questioned.

"Do you have coca pops?" Asked Talia.

"Yes we do, is that what you want?" He searched though the cupboard and pulled out a box of Coca pops. While Talia nodded taking a seat at the table.

"Can I get you anything Lacey?" He poured her cereal and added some milk before looking up at me.

"No thanks" I smiled before taking a banana out of the food bowl and taking the spare seat next to Tal.

He smiled and gave me a nod, before placing the bowl in front of Talia, she immediately began tucking in. Soon after the other kids started coming in all in there uniforms.

"I better get going to the primary school, you sure you'll be alright walking?" Zara asked looking directly at me.

I opened my mouth to reply but Elsie answered for me."I'll look after her" she chirped in.

"Okay, have a good day all of you!" She left the room with the younger children following behind, all with there book bags.

"Bye bye" said Talia as she came to give me a hug.

"Bye, have fun" I replied doing up the buttons on her coat before she ran out the room with the others.

Not long after we left for school. I walked with Liam, Harry and Elsie, while the others went off ahead meeting up with there friends. I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be, mainly because I already know 12 people. When we arrived at the school, I took a big gulp while looking up at the building, it had green double doors with the school logo on it and the brick work of the walls looked very new.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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