Chapter 15

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It's been an hour so I decide I should head to Jack's room now.

I get there and knock on his door. I look in there and see Jackie and Xander are already there.

"Hey Isabelle, come on in," Jack says opening the door wider so I can get in.

I go in and sit on Jack's bed next to Jackie and Xander. Shortly after Jack joins us with some chips and sodas.

"So you guys, what you wanna do," Jack asks us. We all say some, "I don't knows," and then Jack says, "Why don't we play 'truth or dare'?" We agree and then Jack starts.

"Xander, truth or dare."

"Truth," Xander says.

"Ok, would you date someone on set," Jack asks.

"Yes, just depends who."

We all start saying, "Oooooo." Until Xander tells us to, "Shut up."

I see Jack glance at Jackie then back over to me. That's when I start wondering what are the planning.

"Ok Jackie your turn," Jack says with a smirk on his face.

"Ok, Isabelle, truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say being a little risky.

"I dare you to kiss Xander,"

I stare at her wide eyed. "Are you sure it's not to late to switch to truth," I ask hoping she says it's not to late.

"Yes I'm sure, you chose dare now you have to do it."

I noticed Jack glance at Jackie again and then I hits me.

They planned this.

"Come on Is, you have to do it," Jack says with a smile on his face.

So that's when I do it.

I kiss Xander.

But I felt something weird. Something I've never felt before.


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