Chapter 116- This Sorrowful Life

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I entered the prison, every one there except Michonne, Daryl and Merle. They must have gone through with the deal.

"What the hell? Who the hell is that?" Rick yelled.

"Whoa, just listen okay?" I said.

Rick nodded and I walked down the stairs "Me and Allison found her, her mother was bit and we had no choice but to take her." I explained.

"What's her name?" Glenn asked curiously

"Victoria." I replied. "Look, I know whats going to happen but I promised this girls mother that I'd keep her safe and I intend to do that." I added.

Rick sighed and rubbed his forehead "If she gets hurt, if she dies, its on you. If she hurts anybody-"Rick started

"It's on me I know." I interrupted.

Rick nodded and I set Victoria down. "Where's Daryl?" I asked curiously. Rick stepped towards me and grabbed my arm.

He yanked me off to the side and he looked me dead in the eye. "Merle took Michonne, the deals off so Daryl went and tracked him." Rick explained.

"I'm going after him, it's not safe to be out alone." I murmured.

"Be careful. Take this." Rick ordered, shoving an AK47 into my hands.

I sighed but took the gun. "Take care of Victoria and if she gets tired put her in my room." I shouted over my shoulder.

I quickly ran outside and climbed in the car Allison and I had just arrived in.

I opened the gate, climbed into the car, drove the car forewords, shut the gate and started to drive away. To my surprise the walkers were ignoring me, for what reason I had no idea. I sped down the road and maybe a half an hour later Michonne was walking down the empty road.

I pulled to a stop and rolled the window down "Where's Merle and Daryl?" I asked.

"Merle left me, told me he was doing something alone. Daryl came by a while ago, looking for Merle." Michonne answered plainly.

"What a ride?" I asked, Michonne shook her head and looked up the road

"I'll walk." She replied.

I shrugged and she started to walk away. I rolled my window up and drove away.

Where had they gone? To the meeting spot maybe? I'll try that, I thought to myself.

I drove to the meeting place and several walkers lingered around. I climbed out of the car and loaded my pistol.

I started to jog around, checking for anyone. The smell of death seemed to linger in the air and I noticed several bodies.

I bent down next to one to see a Woodbury solider, one I recognized surprisingly.

It was one of the men that had surrounded Daryl with walkers back In Woodbury, when we were in the arena.

I shivered at the memory and listened to the growls of the walkers. But a very soft crying sound made me wander through the buildings to another section of the area.

The sound got louder and that was definitely crying. I clutched my gun close to my chest and looked over to my left to see the familiar black leather coat stabbing a walker frantically.

"Daryl?" I asked as I stepped closer. I ran towards him and froze when I saw the walker Daryl was stabbing.


"Daryl!" I exclaimed,trying to stop Daryl from stabbing his brother again.

I grabbed his arm to try and stop him but he was too strong and he dragged it down again.

"Daryl!" I yelled again. He was hysterical, his angered and rushed breathing while tears fell down his face. "Daryl look, it's me." I yelled. I put both my hands on his arm and stopped him from stabbing Merle any more.

Daryl's breathing was harsh, angered and uneven. I wrapped my arms around him and listened to his rushed heart beat start to slow.

He wrapped his arms around me as he stared at the walkerfied version of Merle.

I could feel his rare tears sliding down the side of my face like a rain drop. His heart beat started to go back to normal and his breathing slowed as well.

Daryl released me and stood up, he offered me a hand and I took it. I looked down at Merle's decomposing body.

Flesh and blood covered his mouth and the blood from stab marks stained his hair and forehead and demonic cloudy eyes stared into the sky.

"Do you want to burry him?" I asked quietly. Daryl gave a slight nod and moved to his brothers side.

"At the Prison, his home." Daryl muttered before picking Merle up. I quickly ran over and took Merle's feet.

"You drove here right?" He asked hopefully. "Ya, it's over here." I grunted as we carried Merle.

We reached the vehicle, lucky for us the walkers ignored us due to Merle's deathly stench.

I opened the trunk to see Victoria's pink suitcase laying in front of us. "What's that?" Daryl asked as he halfway put Merle in the trunk.

He grabbed the bag and threw it out into the road. I quickly pushed the rest of Merle into the trunk and ran to the suit case.

Daryl slammed the trunk and gave me a confused glance. "Why are ya pickin' it up?" He asked, pointing to the suitcase.

"I'll explain in the car." I replied and threw the suit case into the car. Daryl nodded and climbed into the drivers seat, a relaxed into the passenger seat and we took off.

"Shit." I growled, covering my face with my hands.

"What?" He asked curiously.

"Tayler, she's gonna be heartbroken! She might not talk again!" I yelled.

Daryl patted my shoulder and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "She'll be alright, she's lost people before." Daryl replied.

"Daryl, she's had like three relationships since this whole thing went down. Every one she loves dies!" I replied.

"I know that, I don't know what to say. She'll just have to move on." He whispered.

"Now tell me why theres a suitcase in the back." Daryl ordered. I nodded and started to tell him the story of how we found Victoria.

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