Chapter 11-Holly

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We were locked in a room for a while now not exactly a cell but not one of his fancy rooms with diamonds and platinum everywhere.
"How do you think we're going to die?" Siana says.
"I don't know. Torchere, it won't be immediate death" I say sighing afterwards.
We wait for about 5 minutes in silence when 4 guards come to get us. They don't speak to us they just grab us hard and drag us to the throne room. There are dozens of cameras set up, he's going to show the whole world him murdering us.
Shadow is there in his usual kingly attire, and Beatrice there looking as beautiful as ever out of her wedding dress into her murder dress.
He sees us and gives us a stupid death glare. He walks over to us and looks at us.
"I told you that you would die a slow death and just as I said, Holly will go first, you will go slowly after Siana" he says pausing for a little.
"You know, I always hated you girls. I just now have a motivation to kill you now" he says.
I try to hold in my rage, I know it won't do any good unfortunately.
He has the guards force us down on our knees in the middle of the room with all cameras pointing near us but on Shadow.
"Good evening my name is Shadow Black and tonight after the wedding of my new wife. We have found the two terrorists that captured my recruit. The recruit has not been found yet but we have had many people want these people killed so we will have it on camera. As unfortunate as it is that I must eliminate these girls it's for the safety of our world" he says. He looks disappointed but on the inside he's doing that evil smirk of his.
He stands back with Beatrice, takes a deep breath and launches black magic at me. Once it hits me I am surrounded in black magic. Immediately unimaginable pain starts coursing through my body and a scream rips from my throat. Siana does the same as she is immediately surrounded in black magic too.
It's a special type of magic that I've never felt before.
The stuff stops for one second and then suddenly it feels like my body is on fire. More screams rip from my throat and tears stream from my eyes as my skin is burning.
Again and again the things stop and bring on a new element to torchere us.
Air: Ripping out skin up with blades of air (which actually really hurt)
Water: Stopping our breathing by clogging our throat
Lightning: Electrocuting us and frying our organs.
Earth: Feeling like we're sinking in quicksand

Each one lasts for one minute and thirty seconds. I can see Shadow there enjoying this so much. Beatrice too.
He takes a dagger from his servant and aims it right at my heart. He throws the dagger and it's almost a blur coming straight at me. I close my eyes ready for the pain but it never hits me. I look in front of me and Kyle is there, and he caught the dagger.
He moves out of the way so I can see Shadow's face. He looks shocked and interested.
"Wow Shadow you're throw has gotten better. That actually hurt a little" Kyle says.
"Hm, why are you here?" He says in an interested voice.
"Where's my sister?"
"I have no interest in telling you"
"Then I'll fight you"
"Please, fight me? Just because you have a new little outfit doesn't mean you can beat me"
"But I can" a voice says strong and firm.
Everyone looks towards the voice and I am just able to look towards it. Justine.
She doesn't go over to Shadow instead she comes to us and starts untying the ropes Shadow put us in to make sure we wouldn't try anything.
"T-Th-" I try to say but she shushes me right after.
"You need to build your strength" Justine says.
"Well, well. My old enemy is joining this fight too" Shadow says.
"We're still enemies Shadow" she says.
He smirks at her response and holds out his hand. He uses his power somehow that I can't see, but Justine did. She has one of her hands and flicks it . Immediately I see the shadows he created and they disappear.
I hear many gasps through the room as Justine moves to Siana.
"Interesting, months ago in our little training you had trouble deflecting that attack, now you can do it with a flick of the wrist" he says.
As Siana becomes free, Justine stands her ground in front of us.
"It's over Shadow, surrender or I won't hesitate to fight" Justine says.
"You have gathered strength Justine, we will have to battle, but not today. I'll let my wife take care of you" He says.
Beatrice's smirk widens as she steps towards Justine.
"I don't want to fight you Beatrice" Justine says.
A chuckle comes from Beatrice's mouth.
"I do. I haven't been in any action since The Shadow Dagger, and I still have to show you that I can make my own decisions" she says.
Justine scowls at Beatrice and grabs the handle of her sword.
"Have it your way" Justine says and she draws her sword.
Beatrice smirks and draws her own sword that I couldn't even see. Everyone backs up even Shadow a little as the fight begins.

3rd POV: (Warning, I am horrible at writing fight scenes).
Beatrice is the first to attack, she speeds ahead with her sword in her hand.
Justine is just able to block it in midair unfortunately their old friendship is a disadvantage to her.
They stare one another in the eye as they break away.
Justine immediately spins with her sword cutting Beatrice on her collar bone.
She grunts in pain as she attacks with her sword blocking Justine's attack and cutting her on her cheek.
They keep attacking each other back and forth each getting the same amount of cuts as the other. With Justine's new powers but friendly nature to Beatrice, and Beatrice's smaller power but rage boosting it up to Justine's level. Neither could win.
They land away from each other both with cuts all over their bodies, and rips in not armored clothing.
"You've gotten stronger" Justine says standing her ground panting on one side of the room.
Beatrice rolls her eyes:
"You're so surprised. I've been training with Shadow" she says.
"Oh right, the venomous demon over there just watching a girl fight?"
"That venomous demon happens to be my husband".
Beatrice clearly was getting more and more irritated as Shadow just chuckles at the conversation.
"Anyway. Let's put our efforts to the test. No weapons just powers" Beatrice says dropping her sword.
"No. I don't want to hurt you" Justine says.
"Look at me, I'm already cut head to toe, and you've torn my dress...oh I get it, you're scared" she says with a smirk on her face.
"Yeah. Scared that you're gonna die" she says.
Beatrice chuckles and looks at the surroundings of the room.
She smirks as her eyes land on a piping system installed at the top of the tall ceiling.
She focuses her energy and water comes bursting out of the pipe. Lots of people cover their heads worried of what will happen to them.
Shadow on the other hand just stays put not wanting miss a moment of this fight.
She launches the water at lightning speed towards Justine.
She makes a barrier with her hands trying her best to block off the blazing water. Unfortunately her small barrier wasn't enough so the water breaks through hitting her in the chest. She goes flying towards the wall and cracks it.
Blood is now running down her back as she gets up.
"Fine, have it your way" she says. She focuses her energy into her hands. Golden energy flows into her making a small golden disk. She launches it at Beatrice.
She tries to block the attack with the water through the pipes but the disk goes right through it cutting her neck and sending her to the ground.
Power is draining through both of the girls's bodies, neither can win.
That attack was so hard on Justine because of the many cuts on her stomach, legs, and neck. So she also falls to the ground. Neither get up.
"Hm, looks like Beatrice needs more training then I thought" Shadow says as he steps towards Justine.
"You're time is up Justine. It's time for you to join me" Shadow says.
"N-Never" she says still resisting his constant request.
"You're power is massive I could just feel it at the beginning of your battle. I don't know where you got it from but it will be mine" he says.
Little did Shadow know, Holly and Siana had regained their strength, and Kyle is looking for his sister with a distraction.
Suddenly an explosion occurs catching Shadow's attention as Siana and Holly sneak away behind him.
"Hey, Shadow!" Holly shouts. As he turns to the voice his nose gets a visit from Holly's fist.
He falls onto the ground one hand on his nose.
"You little demigod!!!" He shouts as Justine starts running with them to the exit.
"Get them!!! Don't let them get away!" He barks to the guards.
But by then they were already heading into the burning dungeon.

Shadow vs. Light (The 4th Book in The Sword of Hades series) Where stories live. Discover now