He Takes A Bizarre College Class

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[Surprise, surprise, I'm still here! @lydizeh gave this suggestion, so here's your cookie and a sincere apology for taking so long. Please enjoy~! (.:::.)]

"But why do we have to do this?"

Slenderman turned away and strode back into his study to privately facepalm (despite, as we've mentioned countless times before, the fact he had no face). Then he straightened his prim tie and came back out.

"As I've explained to you..." he resisted the urge to say 'brainless twats', "-children, we are the face of the creepypasta domain. Therefore, we must make an effort to appear educated."

"By taking a class on the sociopathy of Miley Cyrus!?"

"Sociology. I'm sorry - but it's already been paid for. So off you go; and you'd better come back educated!"

Groaning and grumbling (with the exception of BEN, who seemed quite excited), the creepypastas filtered out of the hallway. A few of them decided to detour and pick their girlfriends up for the ride.

Jeff the Killer

You were incredulous when you first heard the news. If Jeff hadn't explained it to you while leaning out the window of a big white school van, you wouldn't have believed him.

"The Sociology of Miley Cyrus? Really?"

"Please, Y/N!" he begged, "I'll die before we even get there if you aren't by my side!"

"... Did you come up with that all by yourself or is Dark Link hiding behind you, telling you what to say?"

Jeff just gave you the imploring puppy eyes, his hand outstretched. Behind him, Dark Link straightened up and made a stealthy retreat to the back of the van.

You sighed, shook your head, and accepted your crazy boyfriend's hand.

He beamed a bigger smile than usual and hauled you straight through the open window with impressive strength. At the exact moment your butt landed on the upholstery, the van burst to life and sped off.

Two seconds after takeoff, it hit a fire hydrant.

Toby stuck his head out the front window to check the bumper damage, then gave a thumbs up. The van reversed a little, changed its course, and vroom-vroomed into the sunrise.

BEN Drowned... in education?

You'd been yanked into the back of the van without warning, along with L.J's girlfriend. The two of you had been strolling the block, trying to find a culprit who'd caused a local fire hydrant to start spewing water.

"Um... what's going on? Is this a kidnapping?"

"Welcome to hell," Smiley growled. He was tied up in the backseat, taken presumably against his will. And Sally was pouring glitter in his hair. Lots of glitter.

"Try not to resist the urge to jump out," Smirky informed them. Like his brother, he was tied up as well, but his binds didn't look very... binding. They'd been chewed through.

Dark Link's girlfriend soon joined the party. She was sleepy-eyed, and still in her pajamas, but had agreed to come long for their ridiculous college course (for Darkness's sake).

In a disturbingly short amount of time, the van pulled up in the parking lot of a school. L.J climbed out and casually pushed a car down the slope to get them a free parking spot.

BEN flung open the van doors and happily ran like an elf pressed. Everyone else hopped out (in varying degrees of unenthusiastic moods), and made their way to the main hall.

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