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angels pov

ok so I am now at school where I will have t face my bullies alone because selena is sick. as I walk in to school I am pushed against the wall and punched in the stomach multiple times. I soon start to cough up blood. I cry and am yelled at by tori my bully. she says to shut up then kicks me so hard that I can feel my ribs starting to swell. she goes to kick me in the face I close my eyes and wait for the pain. but it never comes. next thing I know is that I am being picked up into somebody's arms. I open my eyes to see who it is but I don't recognize them. that's when I start to loose conscious. the person holding me says come on stay with me angel. then sets me in his car.

at the hospital.

I open my eyes to see I am at the hospital and there is a stranger in the room with me he is sleeping. he is hot he has this beautiful pale skin with blonde hair but you can totally tell he is a natural brunette by the roots. I go to get up but I fall to the ground making a loud thump. it wakes  him up he stares at me and gets up and starts to walk closer to me I back away and start to cry because he could hurt me. he sees that I am crying and then he stops walking to me he looks me in the eyes and say its okay and that he wont hurt me but I have a problem with trusting people. while I am distracted by my thoughts I feel somebody pick me up I try to fight to get out of his grip but he doesn't let me so I just gave up and he sat me on the bed. then said hi my name Is niall horan and I am a vampire also you are my mate. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me?

im niall horan will you be my date?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang