Chapter 117- No More Faith

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We walked into the Prison with suitcase in hand. Our loud footsteps echoed as we marched down the long hall.

"Hey! Guys in here!" Glenn shouted. We walked in solemnly, I was surprised when tiny arms wrapped around my waist into a hug.

I looked down and Victoria was clinging to me like a leach. Daryl crossed his arms and looked at the girl.

"Miss me?" I joked as I bent down to give her the suitcase. She moved in close to me and cupped her hands around my ear.

"I don't know anyone." She whispered sadly. I smiled and looked into her baby blue eyes.

"Did you meet everyone?" I asked softly. She nodded and looked behind her.

I gave a soft chuckle and stood up off the ground. "Victoria, this is my um boyfriend Daryl." I said softly.

Daryl gave a kind smile and she returned it, grinning ear to ear. He bent down and held out a hand.

"Nice to meet ya Victoria." Daryl said, waiting for Victoria to shake his hand. She held out her hand and gently took Daryl's.

"You talk kinda funny. I like that." Victoria replied. Daryl gave a awkward smile and stood up.

"Do I?" He asked, Victoria smiled and a hint of joy played through Daryl's eyes as he gazed at the little girl.

I smiled at the sight and looked at the group. Tayler stood in the front, waiting for me.

She held her stomach gently and had a fearful but happy look on her face. "What?" I asked, eyeing her mixed emotion face.

"I'm pregnant." She replied just over a whisper. I stopped in my tracks and my eyes widened.

I looked back at Daryl and he walked beside me, moving past Victoria. "With who's kid?" Daryl asked.

Tayler gave a happy smile and looked at Daryl. "Merle's." She replied with happiness.

"Do ya know for sure?" Daryl asked carefully.

"Yup, Glenn found me three clear blues and they all tested positive." Tayler beamed.

"Where's Merle?" Hershel asked from behind her. Tayler cocked her head and waited for me to explain.

I tried to find the words, any words but I couldn't. My sister, my bestfriend was pregnant.

The risk of her dying or loosing the child was so high that I was in shock.

Then add in the fact that Merle was dead made me even more at a loss of words.

Daryl grit his teeth as he also tried to think of a explanation. "Mariah," Tayler said with a hint of fear running into her voice. "Where's Merle?" She asked again. I opened my mouth but no words came.

I didn't want Daryl to say it, I had too. I had to give her the news, I can't just stand back and let Daryl hurt because I'm at a loss of words.

"Merle," I started. "Merle's gone." I said, choking out the words. She narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What do you mean gone?" She asked irritatedly.

"Merle, Merle Dixon's dead." I whispered.

Tayler's face broke my heart. So many emotion's flew through her as she found out the father of her baby was gone.

"Tayler...." I started, she shook her head and a tear slid down her face. She closed her eyes for a minute then quickly spun and headed on her heels.

I started to walk after her but Daryl gently placed a hand on my shoulder "Let her be." He whispered to me.

I nodded slowly and a tear dripped down my cheek, I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"We need to prepare." Rick announced to the group.

"We can do this." Rick reassured, from the bottom of my heart I wanted to believe those words.

I wanted to know I could do this, but my body thought other wise. I had no faith.

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