chapter 9

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                I'm in the meadow in forks and me and Damon are kissing. We both turn as Edward comes into the clearing and he walks toward me. I stand up and walk over to him.

          " What are you doing here?" I ask.

         " We belong together, Bella."

          " No, we don't. I belong to Damon and only Damon!!!" I yell.

        " Wrong answer." He says and runs to Damon with a stake in his hand and plunges it into his heart.

      " NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I jolt up in my bed and start crying. Damon runs into the room. He picks me up and rocks me.

     " Yyyou ddieddd." I manage to get that out until I start crying again. Once I'm done crying, I tell him my nightmare and he pulls me closer to him.

     " I won't ever let that happen Bella." he says.

     I cry more into his shirt until the memory doesn't bother me anymore. We both lay down on the be. Me in his arms. And we stay like that all night.

       In the morning, since it is Saturday, we get dressed and go to the grill and get drunk.

            Then the Cullen kids come in. I am taking shot after shot until a hand comes out and takes my shot away from me.

             I was about to beat the crap out of whoever did it until I turn around and Edward is holding it. I take my shot away from him and down it.

             Then I stand up and slap Edward. He steps back shocked and start walking toward until I'm being pulled into Damon's arms.

             He whispers reassuring things into my ear and I sit back down with Damon. Once we are done we grab our jackets and walk out.

             The next day we go for a walk and it almost seems as if the Cullens are stalking us. And I am done with that. I hated it before and I sure as heck hate it now.

               Once I am at school on Monday I explode and start screaming at the Cullens to leave me alone and get detention. Great. Damon jumps on the teachers desk and dances to get detention with me.

             Then we have at who's better at getting detentions and at the end of the day we both end up with 3 months worth of detentions.

            Then we just skip the first one and get drunk at the grill.

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