Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"what the fuck Amora" Tise screamed as I ran through the light almost causing a city bus to smack my car off the road.

I pulled over and caught my breath as my heart began to return to its normal pace. I looked over at Tise and laughed

"you good?" I asked

"yea bitch is YOU good ?" she said shaking her head

"im fine I dont know where my head is at" I said laughing

"Mo its not funny we could have died." she said seriously

"I know I know. Im sorry" I chuckled

"lets just walk the rest of the way" she said

I agreed and pulled over putting my into parked. I took the keys out the ignition and grabbed my bag.

I was having a good day. First I got promoted to floor leader at work then Tise called asking me to bring her out to Harlem to see Sincere. I had thrown on my best outfit and did my hair and make up knowing Tragedy would be here. My days are always well spent when im with him no matter what it is we could be doing. I was excited to the say the least.

"Mo do you think it would be too soon for me to have sex with Sincere ? I mean a bitch is horny but I dont want him to think less of me" Tise asked looking down at the floor as if she was counting her foot steps.

"T if he thinks less of you for that then he isn't the person you need to be with BUT yes I do think its too early. dont turn this into a lust thing" I answered honestly.

Tise has never really been with anyone so she has to take baby steps. I told her I would walk her through it as much as I can so that she can avoid fucking things up.

"I really dont wanna get hurt Mo im startin to like this nigga alot" Tise said

"there really aint no way to avoid gettin hurt T. Once you in it you in it"

After walking only three blocks over Tise and I approached Sincere's building. Rock and Bundels were standing outside with a group of people.

They immediately smiled when they spoted us.

"hey yall" I said hugging the both of them

"whats good ladies" Rock smiled

"wheres Sincere ?" Tise asked

"he upstairs" Bundels answered

"ya boy up there too" Rock laughed.

I smiled ignoring whatever inside joke Rock had. I just knew seeing Tragedy would make my day better then it had already been going.

"man dont come here without Kia nomore" Bundels frowned

I laughed as Tise and I headed into the building. Tise knocked twice on Sincere's door. He stood in the door way and pulled Tise close to him before looking at me.

"oh I didnt know you was coming through too Mora" Sincere said looking nervous

"you gonna let us in bae" Tise said pushing past him and into the apartment.

When Tise got into the living room she stopped and turned facing me. I looked at her face confused, after a second of waiting for her to speak I looked past her and my eyes landed on the couch.

Tragedy was sitting there with a girl on his lap. Her head was laid on his chest as he sat focused on the game. She sat up when she saw Tise and I staring. Looking away I took a seat on the opposite couch.

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