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Aphmau's POV

I was strong, I was scared, I was light

I stared into the dark forest ahead of me. I don't know what to do. I sounded so determined saying we must find Laurance, but.... how?? I've got no clue where he is. The only information I have on this monster is that he's somewhere in these woods and he's got Zane on his side. I continue to stare in confusion, making Katelyn annoyed. She forcefully turns me around.
"Look. We need a plan! Aphmau, you have freaking wings! Go fly and look around where we can't." With this, Garroth piped up
"Wait, no! What if she gets hurt?! I.. I can't let that happen! I need to go with her!"
"If you do, you'll only get lost!"
"But I love her"
"And I want to get out of this messed up place!"
"....I want to get my family...." Aaron says. This arguing hurt. It felt like a knife. I hated it. I turned away from them. This felt like a form of torture watching people you care for fight for nothing. I got mad. Really mad. Laurance planned the cage, the fights, Zane. Everything. I felt my wings lift up. I began to arise. The air feels cold but comforting and my wings take me away from the group.

(Time Skip brought to you by Hula Garroth)

The flight continued for several hours. If didn't know where I was. I felt like I was going in circles and I expected to see the group again and again.... I didn't. No group. No broken cage. No noise.. Well, except for an eerie sound. Sort of like a buzz from an alarm clock but more sinister. I kept going though I didn't seem to move. I pushed my wings as fast as they would allow.
Still nothing
The sky became red. The noise got louder. I began to move down. No matter how much I pushed against the force weighing me down, it just got harder. I soon grew tired of fighting, knowing the inescapable bounds of this force. I allow it to continue. Soon enough, I was on the ground. I couldn't get up. I couldn't move anything. I was stuck on my stomach, staring ahead. It was pitch black. The landscape raining red dust. I have to admit I was scared, though I didn't show it. Then I saw shadows. Multiple actually. I started seeing the outlines of my friends. I called out.
But Nobody Came
The group continued towards me, I called more and more, hurting my voice. I knew it was them. I just knew.
The closer the shadows got, the closer the went together. They seemed to form absolutely terror and destruction before me. I shut my eyes, not allow this horror to get to me. I heard a familiar voice, but I ignored it.

And that's when I felt someone kiss me
"Don't worry, my precious Aphmau. I'll keep you safe"

(You pancakes didn't deserve such a long wait but I waited anyway. It's just so hard sometimes to get ideas. And then you get busy with work and life, but I'm trying my best. I appreciate your existence. Have a good day, dudes.)

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