Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I pause outside the door I had just slammed behind me. She was crying and bleeding at it was all because of me. Dammit, dammit, dammit! Why the hell did she have to be a god damn hunter, let alone the deadliest of all? My wolf had been quiet for the whole night and I knew why. A, he didn't want to piss me off anymore and B, he's totally on Hailey's side. 

She's my mate and I can't help but love her. Like I said, she's my moon. It just kills me that she's also the reason I've lost some appreciation for the actual moon. 

Letting out a breath, I walked over to the car and sped home, throwing open the door and immediately finding Luke, who was standing in the kitchen. Grabbing him by the throat, I slammed him into the fridge, "You fucking knew and didn't tell me?!" I roared. 

He gasped for air, "I-I'm so-orry, I t-tried to tell yo-ou!" 

Letting up a little bit, I snarled, "Oh yeah? Tell me, when did you try to let me know that Hailey, my mate, is Artemis?" 

"What?" I feminine voice responded and I looked over to see Lily standing in the doorway in shock. "Hailey, sweet, innocent little Hailey, is Artemis?" 

Releasing Luke altogether, he dropped to the floor, rubbing his neck in pain, "I tried to warn you last night. I even showed you the blade." 

"Maybe next time you could just tell me," I snapped and he bowed his head, knowing full well that right now he is a member of my pack, and not my best friend. 

Lily ignored everything and walked up to me, frowning, "You're bleeding." It wasn't a question. 

I scowled, "Courtesy of none other than Hailey Artemis Argent." 

She shook her head in disbelief, hurt evident in her eyes, "I just-- I don't understand. I've spent so much time with her and never did I expect, well, she just seems too innocent and frail." 

Snorting, I rolled my eyes, "Believe me, she's anything but frail." 

Thinking back to our little incursion, I couldn't help but feel guilty for the times I had her pinned up against a wall and for tripping her up, making her fall and cut her face on the counter. Then again, she made me fall down the stairs. Luke pulled himself up, looking me in the eye and seeing that I was cooled off a little, he spoke, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but she threatened to kill you if I did." 

I nodded in understanding. 

"But, well, what are you gonna do?" He asked and I sat down on the stool next to the counter. 

"What do you mean?" 

Luke sighed, "Well, are you going to reject her?" 

"No!" Lily cut in before I could respond. "He will absolutely not reject her, she is his mate and he loves her, imperfections and all." 

He scoffed, "You call her being a murderous hunter an 'imperfection'?" 

"Yes," She stated firmly, folding her arms across her chest. 

"Can you two please stop deciding what I'm going to do about my mate? I'm right here you know," I stated, annoyed. 

Lily sat down on the stool next to me and looked into my eyes, "You can't reject her. It just isn't right. I mean, I know that she's hurt people and you, but there's gotta be a reason for it right? So maybe you two can just talk and work it out. Get her to stop killing wolves or let her at the rogues, just come to some sort of a compromise together. Together like mates are supposed to be." 

I sighed, "Lil, I don't know if Hailey and I would even work together anymore." 

"Exactly!" Luke cut in, "I mean she's killed how many of us?" 

"But then again," I started, "She's absolutely perfect." 

Lily smiled before leaning back, "I think you have your answer, then, big brother." 

I looked down at my bloodied hands in front of me, and sighed, nodding. She has killed so many of my pack members, completely offed other packs and is a murdering lunatic. And yet, I love her as she is, as my mate. And so I could never reject, leave, hurt or kill her because she is my mate. And I would never be able to survive without her now that I've found her. 

"I can't lose her," I say simply instead, and Lily smiles supportively. Luke just nods stiffly in understanding. I think he's a little bitter towards her, what with the ambush gone awry in the woods and the whole blackmailing and threatening thing. I guess he'd have to get over it though, because she will be his Luna some day. 

At that thought, I laughed out loud. 

"What's so funny?" Luke questioned. 

I shook my head laughing, "It's just that, our pack is going to have the one hunter who's been killing us all off as our Luna some day." 

He furrowed his brows, "I still don't get how that's funny." 

"It's not funny," I retorted, "Just ironic, I guess." 

Sighing, I slipped off the stool and made my way up and into my shower, just trying to get everything off of me. The pain, guilt, anger and frustration. I knew that I had a lengthy road ahead of me to make things right and good with Hailey, but at least I know I have a chance. 

Her face when she saw that I had figured it out meant something. The fact that she cried after I left. She cares, and that right there is enough to give me hope. It gives me hope that maybe she cares for me enough to work through this and to come to a solution. And just maybe we'll find a mutual happiness together. Or, that nagging little voice in the back of my head popped up, she could just kill everyone and be done with it



a/n: HEYOOO. Well, Chase has made the decision not to reject Hailey!!! Go Chailey!! Lol Lily is such a Chailey shipper, can you tell?? ;) 

QOTC: How do you think Chase will approach Hailey to work things out? How do you think she'll              respond??

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