Not Looking For Love - 12 .

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Anthony's POV •

They say tears won't kill the pain but right now that's all we got .

I feel bad for Dyamon , you can tell it's killing her .

I never seen Devin happier that he was with Dy .

We was literally all we had .

Right now Devin's still unconscious and has a pulse that's getting weaker by the minute .

I ain't never prayed before but right now we all in need of a good prayer .

Von's POV

I never ever cried in front of anyone before , but today I had to .

Seen my nigga down like that killed me .

I wish Ramon ain't kill AJ , Naah that was to easy . He had to feel how we felt right now . He had to shed tears like ours .

Thing wouldn't be right without Devin .

Devin was the oldest of everyone , he was like the big brother I once lost .

He keep everyone in line no matter what .

I ran my hands down my face .

" He'll pull threw , he gotta pull threw it . " I said to myself thinking about the night I lost the most important people to me . My real family .

- Flashback -

It was dark as hell outside . I was walking with my older brother KP , when a group of dudes was walking up on us .

KP was the least bit of scared , me on the other hand was about to pee my damn pants .

" Von I want you to run . " He whispered to me .

" I can't leave you KP . " I demanded .

" Von you will run and your going to do it now. " He yelled .

I just nodded .

He dapped me up and he said he loved me and I said it back .

" Now run . " He said as I took off .

The dudes surrounded KP right as I turn the corner .


I got home and went upstairs until I heard the door .

I ran and opened it , because I thought it was KP instead it was the police .

- Flashback Over -

I felt the cold tears drop down my face as I ended the horrible last memory of my dead brother .

" Come on Devin , please pull threw . "

Dyamon's POV

Have you ever loved someone so bad that it hurt you to see them hurt ?

You couldn't eat , sleep , drink , shit couldn't even breath without them ?

In love so bad that it really does hurts , it hurts bad not knowing what can happen . What will your last words be to that person . Did the love you , all those thoughts just running threw your head until you can't think straight Nomore .

That's how I was feeling , tired , weak and ready to lose hope .

Devin could be dead for all we know , we still locked up in this damn guest room .

" You okay ? " Danyell asked rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb .

I nodded , " I'm fine . "

Right then Ant walked in .

" Heey um y'all need to come quick . "

We all got up and followed him downstairs to where Devin was with a lady standing over him .

I knew it was Ant's sister , she was the doctor for all the boys when they got hurt .

She looked into my eyes like she knew my whole story and what I've been threw .

" Well ? " Ant asked as the girl moved her fingers from the side of Devin's neck .

She sighed . " Well he lost a lot of blood and he might not make it . "

Everyone went quiet , and I knew that she saw the tears coming because she continued .

" But there's still a chance , but mostly like he won't make it if he doesn't wake up in the next hour . " she paused to look into everyone's eyes .

" Right now his pulse is slowly creasing I think it's best to pray and say your good byes . I'm sorry guys , we need to do this as quick as possible . " She said before getting up and going to the kitchen .

I knew she was about to cry herself .

We all looked at each other .

I knew Von was dying inside .

" Uhh Von you can go first . " I suggested .

His face lite up . " You sure ? "

I nodded . He kisses me forehead and went and sat next to Devin's body .

The rest of us went into the kitchen and waited as everybody one by one got there time with Devin .

Devin's POV

After I blanked out , I started to regain consciousness and a little memory .

I still felt like I was losing air and I couldn't move no matter how bad I wanted to .

I heard talking and then voices one by one instead of together like earlier .

I listened as everyone said what they had to say , it hurt me know that I was the one causing all this pain .

I listened to everybody .

Von - " Devin you was like my brother . You raised me , took me in . I can't lose you B I need you . We need you and most of all Dy needs you . She hurting bad B . "

Ant - " Man , I wish you would have just let me stayed to help you . This my fault  ! I love you Dev you like my brother and I left you . "

Ramon - " Dev , I want you to know that I love you FAM  . You was like Blood FAM to me and I would go farther than killing that bitch nigga for you ."

Quan - " My Nig why it gotta be like that . You was like blood and I know this ain't real Cuh you gonna pull threw watch . I know you will and I still love and Imma ride for you nigga . "

I heard more and more but I didn't want to hear those voices as much as I wanted to hear my baby girls .

I knew she wanted what the guys wanted for me to get up but I couldn't my body just couldn't do it .

I was trying but I couldn't . I just couldn't .

" D - D - Dev ? " I knew it was my baby finally .

She sounded so hurt , I had to pull threw not for me but for her and the guys .

I can do this I gotta pull threw .

Dyamon's POV

Everyone got there turn to take to Dev and I was last and it was now my turn .

" D - D - Dev ? " Curse my nervous stutter .

I went and sat on the floor in front of him on the couch and grabbed his hand .

I rubbed my thumb back and fourth , like I do to wake him up in the morning .

I sighed and began .

" Hey Devin , I hope you know we are all hoping you pull threw . Not just for us for yourself as well . Von really misses you , you know y'all was like triplets , you , him and Ant . " I chuckled at the thought of the three .

" Anyways I really miss you . Your voice , your eyes , your laugh , your annoying sarcasm . I wish you could wake up . Come one baby just try for me , let me know you hear me at least . " I waited to see if anything happened .

Nope not a thing .

I sighed again . " Well I love you and I know you love me . Well I hope you do . " Damn here come the tears .

" Devin why didn't you let Me and Ant stay to help we could have did something ? I just just wanna change things I wanna go back and fixed it all ! I did this , it was my fault . I didn't do it on purpose tho . I love you I would never you know that right ? " I said still rubbing his hand and looking at the ground .

I heard mumbling and brushed it off thinking it was the guys in the kitchen .

" I love you and would never hurt you Dev . I want you to know that , Do you know that Dev . ? "

& The voice I was longing to hear came out  .

" Yes Dy , I know that . "

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