Chapter 21

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I looked online and there wasn't really a storage unit that looked like the one I had described. So I drew a sketch so you all have an idea as to what this unit looks like.

We had loaded everything else into Bradley's truck and I was currently on the phone to Darcy, asking if she could take Jackson to her house while we set everything up. She said, she was able to convince him and he didn't even ask questions. I also asked that she made sure he took his medication at the correct times. She said she would make sure of that too. She said she would send a text when they were about to leave.

Bradley and I, sat in his truck and waited in the car park. "I can't believe you bought all that stuff." Bradley said, as he turned on the air conditioning.

"Well, I may have went a little overboard." I said, rather embarrassed. I hadn't meant to get all this, but I guess I got carried away.

"Only a little overboard?" Bradley said, sarcastically. My phone beeped. It was from Darcy.

'Jackson is putting his shoes on and then we are off to my house.'

"We can go back now. They are about to leave." I said, hopping out the truck and into my car. We drove out of the car park together and started to head towards my place. Darcy said she would take the long route to her's so there was no way we would drive past each other.

Shortly after we pulled up in my driveway and Darcy's car was gone. Just as we had planned. It took me and Bradley four or five trips each to get all the art stuff inside. We then made one final trip together to his truck, to bring in the storage unit.

"I suppose you need me to help build this?" Bradley asked as we placed it into my living room.

"Yes please Bradley. I will buy you lunch as a thank you." I replied, looking around my living room which was filled with bags overflowing with art stuff.

"Another question...where are you wanting to put this unit?" Bradley asked.

"Umm...I hadn't thought that far..." I said, looking up at Bradley. He stood there and laughed.

"What about your office that you never use?" He asked, once he had finished laughing. I had a small room attached to my bedroom, which I originally planned to use as an office, so I could keep all my music and tour stuff organized. But after a week I never used it again. All I had was a lamp, chair and desk in there. We could set that up as Jackson's little art room. We would have to dust it off in there first.

"I will grab a duster and the hoover. Open this box and sort out the pieces for me. Cheers."

I had hoovered the carpet and dusted the desk and lamp off. The chair was perfectly fine, but I decided to use the smaller tube on the hoover to clean it. There... now he has a place to sit and do his art. I went back to Bradley, he had organized the pieces into piles. Thank god these drawers were already pre-built. We carried the frame pieces into Jackson's new room. Within an hour the unit was completely built and had all the drawers in, the drying rack in place, as well as the easel holder.

"Now we just need to unbox everything and place it in a drawer...then we should be done." I said grabbing two bags from the living room. We unwrapped things out of their packaging and decided where it would be best to put them. We decided to put his canvases and sketchbooks in the larger drawers. And his colouring pencils and charcoal in the smaller drawers. Everything else ranged in between. I got the paint brush rack out and placed it on top of the unit. I unwrapped the packet of fifty different brushes and placed them on the rack. Those that were left over, I put in one of the top drawers.

I placed the cute boxes on the desk to make it look less bare. We hadn't put anything in the boxes yet as we were unsure what Jackson would want in them. I placed a small sketchbook and a few shading pencils on the desk, as if Jackson was about to sit down and draw.

I went back to the living room and unboxed the easel. I walked back into the room and placed it in it's rightful place on the storage unit. We were done. It had taken us two hours to organize the art stuff.

"Lunch?" I asked Bradley.


We walked to the nearest cafe and ordered lunch. I sent a quick text to Darcy, explaining I could pick Jackson up shortly after lunch. I didn't get a reply. She was probably too busy with Jackson.

Bradley and I chatted over lunch and we eventually walked back to my place. He said his goodbye before getting in the truck and heading home. I got in my car ready for collecting Jackson. Shit. I forgot. I was meant to get two frames.

I rushed to the photography shop which wasn't too far away. I grabbed two simple but nice looking frames, which would be able to fit his drawing in. I paid for them before rushing back home to hang up the drawings. I carefully placed the drawings in the frames before hanging them up on the living room wall.

I ran out, locked the door and went to my car. I arrived at Darcy's and knocked on her door waiting for her to open it.

"Now we just need to organize the art stuff

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