Sweet dreams....

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???'s POV

I stared at my next victim watching him peacefully sleeping. Before my copper eyes, was the man who made O'Khasis the city of murder. He was the man who sent people to kill me just because I was different. He was Garte Lord of O'Khasis. The man who attempted to murder me three years ago. 'Now it was time to get my revenge for all the people who he caused pain and suffering to.' With that thought I took out my obsidian dagger and I began to giggle like a little child.

"W-who's there?" He questioned, alarmed that he could hear a girl's giggle in his bedroom near to his bedside.

"Don't you remember me. The little girl who you killed this very day three years ago. The innocent little girl that you killed because she was different. Well guess what? That little girl is alive and isn't so innocent any more."

"H-How are you still alive?" the Lord asked.

"You failed....."

After finishing that statement I stabbed my murder in the chest. As I saw his eyes drooping from blood loss I whispered something that I always say before my victims go into an eternal slumber.

"Sweet dreams...."

And with that said he fell into that eternal slumber, never to wake again. I removed my bloody dagger from his chest and put it back into it's holder on my waist.

Time passed as I stared at his lifeless, blood stained body. Ten more minuets passed and I decided that it was time leave him but before I did I left my trade make symbol on his cheek. I carved in a simple bird into his cold cheek and left a note on his bedside table, that I wrote before I came to end his life. The note read;

Here lies a man who murdered a little girl three years ago this very day. The little girl couldn't die for she was immortal. The little girl grew up and decided that she wanted to get revenge on the person who attempted to end her life and thought that he succeeded. And thanks to him, that little girl is now the most wanted assassin in the whole of Ru'an. That little girl is now known as The Assassin With a Broken Heart because he took away her lover. So now you know that The Assassin With a Broken Heart is alive and ready to kill again.

I left the note and jumped out of the bedroom window. I landed on the ground perfectly, my raven hair flowing down into its original position over my shoulders and my right eye covering the scar that he gave me; and ran into the night. Waiting for the horror that rises with the morning sun tomorrow.

The Assassin with a Broken Heart (garmau)Where stories live. Discover now