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I huffed. It wasn't because I was out of breath after a long jog. My phone decided to be stupid and take three hours to download an app. It didn't actually take three hours, it was more like three minutes.

If only I didn't hate people in the real world. 

My ass was just a little impatient because this was a special app. It wasn't an app that was all "come date this person!". No, this app was for girls who had a little junk in the trunk and in the front to show themselves off. Plus, it allowed those girls to talk to those who appreciated them and their body type. 

"You've been staring at your phone like a hawk." My mother said with a calm voice with an annoyed undertone. You know, the normal mom voice.

Resentfully,  I scooted my eyes off of the shaking phone in my hand and onto my mom and her long bouncy blonde hair. They toppled over themselves when she looked at me with a crooked head. Her hair went well with her eyes, which happened to be one of the things that connected us. We both had hazel eyes.

"I'm waiting for a text from a really hot guy mom. Please understand."I said in a mocking tone with my hand up in the air. She knew that was a total lie, she knew I hated people.   

"Just don't send a picture of you staring at your phone like some freak." She winked. We both snickered before I went back to phone.

After my dad and her got divorced, we started talking that way to each other. Maybe it was because the weight of him left her shoulders and she could be free. But I didn't mind.

It's kind of nice being able to talk the way that you want to home. At school, that's a total no no for me.

Let's face it, every school has its bullies and assholes. The way I see it, they feast on the ones that they see. I'm not going to lie, it's hard to not see me. But after vowing to having a low profile and barely interaction with people, I'm all good.

In matter of the fact, a good example was the other day.

I was walking though it feels like I look like I waddle, when a boy and a few friends were rushing past me. My smart, intelligent self thought it was a great idea to stay to the side. It was a good idea, but for some reason the world hated me.

His shoulder was long enough to nudge me and strong enough to take my heavy set body down. I remember the coolness of the marbled floor against my already burning cheeks.

Though I was expecting his floppy auburn hair to make waves in the air while he looked at me, they didn't. He didn't even turn around or any of the guys that were near him. What really shocked me was that, with my big butt in the air and my shit all around me, there weren't any laughter.

I was invisible. All of my time of avoiding and barely talking and overly sized to shirts finally did it. I achieved my goal of being the invisible girl.

It was nice because I hated the people I went to school with.

Though it was nice, the human species are considered a social animal. Plus after no one talking to me at school, I wanted to talk to at least one person that I didn't have to fluff up my shirt to make sure it didn't try to hug my curves.

"Oh god." Mom whined and popping me out my happy memory. Her head turned to the window that sat on her left.

"What?" My neck craned out to see out of the window. My eyes barely got to see what was out of there because  my mom's butt was in the way.

"Neighbors." She spoke sharply. "And gasp!" Mom said out loudly instead of actually doing the gasping part. "They have a teenage son!"

Dear God. Kill me.

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