Ms. Invisible

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On a usual day, I'm woken up by my mother who thinks sleeping at ten a.m is a sin or my clock alarm on my phone for school. I wasn't woken up by either of those. Instead of the usual honking of my alarm, I heard "Cutesy!" go off a million times. After the three-hundredth time and because it was only three a.m, I thought the voice had altered to something that my neighbors had conjured up. Turns out, it didn't but the lack of sleep was making it out to be.

My hand slapped against the nightstand next to me just as another "Cutesy!" filled my ears.

And to think I thought it was going to be a good app that actually picked out your username for you. But no, that came with it screaming its name in the ungodly hours.

I opened the app and to my dismay, the little mail icon on the bottom had a little red pop-up sign that said "50".


"Mmm, sexy"

"How u doin?"

"Show me your boobs!"

Those were the most frequent of the messages.

I squeaked and threw my phone onto the little patch of carpet next to my bed that was used to get me ready for the cool wood. My phone bounced and thankfully didn't break. No one texted me but it would have sucked to not have a phone for listening to music. And for you know, ignoring people.

Instantly, I regretted it because my arm was too short to reach for it. The coolness of the early morning nipped at my piggies and legs that were bare because of shorts. As if it was a wild animal, I paced myself to pick up my phone. My feet plotted heavily against my floor while my eyes basically bulged out.

"Cutesy!" I jumped and nearly rolled up into a ball before realizing "Oh wait, it's just a phone" and picked it up.

Quickly, my fingers scrolled through the messages. Most of them asked me for my age or "asl" and a lot just asked if I was a dirty girl.

I knew I should have deleted the app right there but something stopped me. Maybe a demon had possessed me or it was this deep down narcissism that made me keep it. Who doesn't like to know that people find them attractive?

I was grumpier than usual. Don't get me wrong, I hate everyone and I have no want to talk to them. But when you're woken up by an app full of thirsty guys, you get a little meaner.

A tight line formed on my lips, putting pressure of the flesh that protected the inside of my mouth. They moved together ferociously, rubbing out the hatred that I had against the universe for trying to fuck up my life. All I wanted was to get my math homework. That's all! I didn't want to win a beauty pageant, I didn't want to figure out how to build a great rocket, I just didn't want to talk to them and not fail.

An idiot was standing in front of two lockers, one included mine. His neatly shaven light brown hair with a longer top and brand named clothes told me that the only department he wasn't stupid in was the fashion department or the parent department. I didn't exactly know his name, except it was something like Jerald or James or J whatever. Just something that screamed asshole.

He leaned back right in the middle of the lockers almost as a tease. Yeah, I could possibly get in there but my big butt would be right in between the two.

I stood there silently, thinking all of the possibilities to take action. There was either asking him, breaking my vow of no interaction with people or just speaking to my teacher and telling her that I forgot about the homework. But then it would have brought down my grade.

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