Chapter 8: Jack's Nightmare

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Chapter 8: Jack's Nightmare


Watching Elsa walk away from with Punzel worried me. Did I really trust her enough to leave without me and the ring? I look at my mother's ring to see it shine in the moonlight, I remember when my father gave it to me, he told me to give it to the woman I wanted to marry, to the woman I love. I knew Elsa was that woman, I just couldn't give her my heart or even give her my love. I thought back at the restaurant, I felt it my heart beat just once adn it felt... Amazing. I felt emotions I didn't for a long time but then that bastard waiter had to wreck the moment for us, and I become that emotionless dick again. I place my hand over my heart, did I really want my heart to beat again? I could feel myself chance and it was because of Elsa.

I even started to feel... Guilty for having to kidnap her, to make her love me. Was I losing my power? Was I okay with that? "Well, isn't she beautiful." I hear breaking me from my thoughts as I turn to see a beautiful lady looking at me. Her arm was wrapped around a pole, her long purple hair hanging over the right side of her face and her blue eyes sharper looked at me. I look back at Elsa to see she's gone, "Is she your girlfriend?" I hear the girl say making me look at her again.

"You could say that." I say back to her as she moves close to me. "My name is Scarlet, what's your name?" She ask making me raise an eyebrow, "Jack, why are you talking to me?" I say my voice a little more harsh then I meant to be. She shrugs, "Can't a girl talk to a boy she thinks is cute?" She ask making me smirk, "Did you hear me say that girl that walked away was my girlfriend?" I question making this Scarlet girl giggle, "Well... Why aren't you with her then?" She ask. "She... She's shopping." I say my voice catching in my throat as I tried to cough up the words. I feel Scarlet put her arms around my shoulders, "If you were my boyfriend, I would never want to leave your side." She whispers in my ear making a shiver go down my spin. "What are you trying to say?" I ask as I move my head to face her, our faces close enough for me to kiss her. "I'm just saying, maybe you need to keep her a lot closer to you. She doesn't need friends, she only needs you. Right?"

I liked what this girl was telling me, she was right, I've been giving Elsa to much room to roam. I see Elsa and Punzel walking back to me as Scarlet move away from me. "I'm just saying, maybe keep her closer because you never know, she might... escape." Scarlet says before she kisses me on the cheek and starts to walk off, "Just think about it Jack." She yells as she turns a corner. I watched her walk away before I lend on my door, escape? Is Elsa trying to escape me? I feel my eyes darken, fuck love, all I need is power. I thought to myself as I see Elsa and Punzel closer making them see me now. "Hey Jack, I bring back your princess." Rapunzel says with a smile as Elsa walks over to me, "Go inside and change now." I hiss making Elsa give me a strange look before she walks into the room and closes the door.

"What the hell Jack? Why are you being a dick right now?" I hear Rapunzel say as I look back at her. "What are you talking about? I've always been acting like this." I say as she steps close to me. "You gave Elsa a night off away from you. You trusted her enough to let her go off without you. She didn't run from you, she was even excited to come back to you. But then you treat her like that! I thought you were changing!" she yells at me. I roll my eyes, "I will never change First Mate, and don't get use of Elsa being away from me, it won't happen again. I had a moment of weakness." I say making her glare, "A moment of weakness? This isn't weakness Jack, this is you caring for someone other then yourself. What is wrong with you?" She ask her voice creaking form anger. "I told you, nothing is wrong! I'm taking matters into my own hands now, I'm done waiting." I scream making her step back.

"What do you mean you're done waiting?" She ask as I turn my back to her. "Tomorrow, I'm making Elsa my bride, wither she wants to or not." I say as I open the door. "Wait... Wait Jack don't! Think about her..." I hear Punzel say as I close the door on her face and turn to see Elsa looking at me with a smile on her face. "Hey, what was that about?" She ask as I step close to her. "Come here." I say making her cross her arms, "Excuse me?" She ask making me close my eyes taking in all my power I can, as I open my eyes I look back at her and smile, "I said come here." I hiss making her legs start to move to me. I smile as she gets close enough to me until I feel her slap me making my head spine.

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