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As I wake up my head is pounding with a horrible pain. I look around and i notice I'm in a house but it ant mine it has windows and is bigger and nicer than my little shack. I see at the other end of the house is my sword and my bow with at less a half a dozen arrows in a sheath. I try to get up but I'm wobbly and end up stumbling and almost fall. I reach my bow and grab the arrows and sling them over my back than as I reach my sword I hear a creek and I grab and nock an arrow in one swift movement. as the door opens I see a hand that looks like mine and than a man comes In and he nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees me. he shoots his hands up and said "don't shoot" I yell at him "where I'm I and who are you" than the man yells back my name is frank and you are in my house p.s don't shoot me! I began to lower my bow and say how did I get here the man replies I found you passed out in my cow farm and in a creeper crater. you looked in bad shape so I picked you up and brought you here. how long was I nocked out for frank yells at him you have been past out for a week so lay down and get some rest I go and lay in the bed and my eye lids fell like stone and than I fall asleep. I wake up to the smell of fresh bread I look over and see frank over by the crafting table holding 6 loves of bread he comes over and gives me 3 of them " eat them and you will fell beater". I get up and sit on the bed and look at my pack where's my stuff Frank replies blow to bits I was only able to find that sword and bow I was Lucky just to find that most of the Time I find nothing. I get up and sit on the bed than frank asked what is your name kid my name is Steve

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