Chapter 9

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Zayn's POV

It's been around 5 months since the tour has started. It's been great... For the others. As for me? It's been terrible. Not the singing and the concerts, that's always fun. But I really like a girl on this bus. It makes me mad because I know she doesn't like me back. She could never like me back.

As I was sitting on the couch, I saw the girl who makes my heart Lund 100 beats a minute. The one who puts butterflies in my stomach. Her long brown hair was braided to the side. Her laced dress fit her perfectly, she had just the right amount of makeup even though she doesn't need it. She's just so hot all around. I wonder where she's going.

"Where are you going?" I asked nervously as she walked closer to me.

Lisa's POV

"I'm going on a date with Harry." I answered Zayn as he kept checking me out up and down. I like Zayn and all, but not more than friends.

"Well you look nice." He said smiling.

"Aw thanks Zayn." I said smiling back.

Harry and I have been dating for a while now, but we haven't had our first kiss yet. Every time we try we always get interrupted by something. It's annoying. Now that we will have the night off to do whatever we want, Harry is taking me out on a date. He's so romantic sometimes.

"Harry?" I asked knocking on the door to his room that he shares with Niall and Zayn.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I slowly opened the door and walked in. Harry finished putting on his shoe, and spraying some of his favorite cologne, which he knows I love. He looked so handsome. His black leather jacket looked nice with his white T-shirt and black jeans.

"You look amazing babe." Harry said walking over closer to me.

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." I said smiling.

"Why thank you my lady. Ready to go?" He asked kissing me on the cheek. I nodded my head 'yes' and then we headed out of his room only to be bombarded by my five sisters.

"Where are you going?" Dani asked.

"Out." I answered.

"Out where?"

"None of your beeswax." We walked out of the tour bus, but before I got all the way down I heard Dani yell one more thing:

"Don't be making any mini Harry and Lisa's!"

My cheeks flared with embarrassment, because obviously Dani doesn't know how people make babies otherwise she wouldn't have said that. Oh well.

"So where are we going?" I asked Harry.

"Here." He said pointing to a food truck on the side of the road.

"Aw how romantic." I joked.

The truck was named "Broilers". It looked very unappetizing, but I'll give it a shot.

"2 double cheeseburgers and one large fry." Harry said to the guy who was in the food truck.

"Thanks Alfred." He said once he gave him the food.

"You know him?" I asked confused.

"I've been to this food truck so many times. That's how I know that it's good." He said sitting on the curb and pulling out his hamburger.

"Tell me again why I got dressed up." I said laughing.


I quickly sat next to him, and he handed me a cheeseburger. It did not look very good, but I took a small bite and it actually tasted really good. I looked over to my left where Harry was crumbling up his paper that the burger was in.

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