Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Samantha laid on her bed talking to Ramin its been a five months since he asked her to marry him. There wedding is only two days away. "Are you ready its getting pretty close to the wedding?" Ramin asked laying down next to her. she smiled "as ready as I'll ever be." She knew she was getting sicker everyday she felt weaker and weaker she felt like she was down to only a few more days. But she couldn't tell Ramin she needed to marry him while she still could. She was determined to. Just one last memory something that could let her leave this world knowing she was happy and did everything she could have wanted. "How are you feeling lately?" Ramin asked almost like he knew what she was thinking. "Fine." She lied and smiled at him. She was feeling worse today. Worse then usual. Ramin noticed it too, he couldn't keep asking her how she was feeling he knew she would just say fine no matter what the truth was. "Let me get you some water." He said leaving the room. His words sounded muffled and the corners of her vision turned blurry. Everything started spinning she closed her eyes and held her head. "RAMIN!" She cried knowing this wasn't good. He ran in the room and picked her up she was pale and sweating all color was gone from her face. He ran to the car and drove her to the hospital hoping it wasn't too late.

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