29- Battle Wounds

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"You're breaching pack laws by being on my mates territory uninvited." I calmly stated. I knew that escaping from here would be impossible without any help and fighting would be a death wish, but I would rather die than let the same thing happen to me what my mother experienced.

"I just couldn't leave a gem like you behind Rosemarie. You look simply ravishing, age has done you well and your body would carry my pups better."  He said eyeing me and I swallowed.

"I'd rather die than be near a monster like you Dale." I whispered harshly.

"It's Alpha to you, Rosemarie, you are going to be my Luna but you're not going to be my equal, learn respect." He growled.

"I will never be yours Lincoln Dale, you aren't an Alpha by blood and nor are you an Alpha by mannerisms or upbringing." I returned a growl with a louder voice.

The people behind him shifted and the coward Wesley was nowhere to be seen. My heart stung at his betrayal and I thought of his poor mate who sat happily at home waiting for her mates arrival. I was sure that she knew nothing of the plan, I didn't need any proof for that but a threatened and an enraged Alpha mate was hard to control.

'I'm surrounded by wolves and he is right here, don't come without the Warriors as there are too many to handle alone.' I mind linked Arden and Castile, after which there was an echoing growl in my head.

'Keep him busy Little Rogue, twist his mind. We will reach there in less than a minute now.' I heard Arden command. I cut off my mind link and when I looked up I saw a lot of the wolves had shifted into their werewolf forms.

"Mind linking your mate is not going to help you now Rosemarie." I saw a sinister glint in this senile old mans eyes. "Once your Alpha is dead everyone will come to me, and so will you."

I felt a slight shift in the wind and with that brought the scent of my pack members, fast approaching from the south end. I saw Dale realise and in the same second his pack members started to charge forward, along with rogues who had a blood thirsty expression on their faces. Their aim was to end Alpha rule, as usually rogues were those who were hiding, running or expelled away from their pack, they wanted vengeance and they all wanted their first conquest to be the strongest.

I felt two arms around my hand and I struggled to get Dale to leave my hand, I jumped and twisted my body but his grip was too strong and he didn't seem like he had any intention to let go.

His breath was hot and repulsive on my neck, but suddenly, it was gone.

I saw Arden looking at me in wolf form, I could see the rage churning behind his now black eyes.

In that split second that Arden was gazing at me to check if I was alright, the fallen Alpha got up from the rocky ground and jumped, shifting into his own black wolf that was lowly in comparison to my mates.

The evil radiating off his body was enough to make me fear for Arden, because no matter how strong Arden was, I knew that Dale was equally vicious and was not going to play by the rules, not that there are many.

I pushed off a rogue who jumped on me who was about to hit back when Castile's wolf bounded over, finishing him in one swipe of his claws.

He whined slightly and I realised that my mind link was still blocked.

'Go to the pack house Rosie, it's he safest for you.' Castile said.

'Dale is here partly for me and he will be led to the pack house un a search for me, I can't risk that. There are too many pregnant female and children.' I said reasonably.

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