They meet

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As Aaron walks along the shimmering sand the grains go through his toes he walks up to a mystical beauty. She turns around puts on a moustache and says "hey" and then says "I don't date emos bye" as The beauty flips her hair and walks away. Then Aaron walks up to a blue haired girl stuffing her face with hot wings. He says "hey you look stunning mind if we go on a date"? She finishes the last wing in a 40wing combo pack licks her finger and says "Yo sup ok I'll date ya."
They are destined to be together then Katelyn falls on her knees and then face plants  on the ground. After that the couple go to Aaron's house and have Pizza and MOAR hot wings. After them hot wings they sit on the couch and watch twilight. But Aaron puts his foot through the TV and Yells "SCREW TWILIGHT." So the duo go bowling and they all hit strikes and Katelyn hits Travis  cause he was looking at the butt. Then they go home and then Katelyns goes home with Aaron and they go to bed..... Together..........

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