Chapter 6: Cliffside Asylum

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  As Chirithy said, I found Judy and Nick at the town hall. They had told me a story that the driver of Mr. Big's limo had at first tried talking to them but the went savage for no apparent reason. They were unable to capture Manchas and he disappeared.
"So what are we doing here?" I asked.
"We're going to try and ask the mayor's assistant, Bellwether, to see if she can get us access to the cameras. To you know, find out where Manchas went," Judy explained, "There she is now" Bellwether was a small sheep. She wore big glasses and a blue coat, she was following who I guess was the mayor, and carrying a bunch of binders. She ended up running into the door that the mayor shut on her. I feel bad for her. The three of us helped her collect her papers and asked her for a way to use the cameras.
"Yes of course!" she answered happily. She led us to the boiler room, or apparently the Assistant Mayor's "Office".
"Just give me a second while I log in..." she began to type away on her computer, I was surprised she had one. After a minute of awkward silence she looked at Judy, "Where too?"
"Uh... Rainforst District... Tajunga" she replied.
"Alright... there! Traffic cams to the whole city" I looked and a ton of cameras popped up, "Phew, oh this is exciting! I mean, I never really get to do stuff this important"
"But you're the assistant mayor of Zootopia" Judy said.
"Oh... I'm more of a glorified secretary... I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep vote. But he did give me that nice mug!" Which was a, "Worlds Best Dad" mug with "Dad" scribbled out with "Assistant Mayor"
"Feels good to be appreciated" She sighed. Suddenly a beep went off,
"SMELLWETHER!" It was Lionheart
"Ack, that's his uh, a fun little name he likes to use. I once called him, 'Lionfart'. Let me tell you, he did not care for that!" She answered the machine, "Yes sir?"
"I thought you were going to cancel my afternoon!"
"Oh dear, I better go!" She got out of her chair and headed towards the door, "Let me know what you find. It was really nice for me to be-"
"While we're young Smellwether!" Bellwether then ran for the door and left.
Nick looked at Judy and I, "You think when she goes to sleep, she counts herself?" I shrugged.
"Shush" Judy hopped into the chair, "Alright let's take a look... Tajunga, Tajunga, Tajunga... we're in" She opened up a camera and a video of her and Nick being chased by a panther started playing. Eventually it led to them jumping off a dock, how they survived, I didn't ask. The panther, Manchas, was stuck to a pole. Instantly a black van showed up. Two wolves got out from the back.
"Who are these guys?" Judy whispered.
"Ugh... Timber wolves... look at these dumb dumbs" The two wolves slowly moved towards Manchas before capturing him in a net! Judy let out a gasp.
"Betcha a nickel one of them's going to howl" Nick joked. But sure enough, they started howling, "Yup see, told ya. I mean what is it with wolves and the howling?"
"Howlers!" Judy exclaimed, "Night Howlers! That's what Manchas was afraid of!" Night Howlers are apparently what Emmit Otterton was yelling before he vanished from his limo, "Wolves! The wolves are the Night Howlers! If they took Manchas-"
"I bet they took Otterton too!" Nick finished her.
"All we gotta do is find out where they went" Judy began clicking through the cameras as the van drove around. Soon it led them to going on an unknown road.
"Where does that road go?" Judy asked.
"Hmm... I bet ya it's Cliffside Asylum" Nick guessed.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It's an old asylum, thought to be abandoned but..."
"Alright then that's our next stop! Let's go!" Judy took off.
"Phew, won't we ever get a break" Nick sighed as he followed.
We soon arrived at Cliffside Asylum, it had started become really cloudy. The asylum sat right on the edge of a waterfall. The three of us peered over a rock. There were guards just standing around. Wolves to be exact. We moved over to where the side of a booth where two wolves were standing around. One white wolf was in a long trench coat, the other was a grey wolf. Nick quickly waited for the right moment and then snuck to the other side of the booth. Then Judy followed, I hesitated then went.
"Uh?!" The grey wolf turned around and saw me, "Intruder!" The white wolf looked at me then barred his teeth. I equipped my keyblade and attacked. I almost had my throat bit out but thankfully I was a much better fighter than these wolves. I knocked them out, but unfortunatley there were five other wolves at the entrance of the building. They began to run at me,
"Great job keyboy!" Nick hissed.
"Just stay down Nick, he's got this" Judy ensured. I returned the wolves charge and threw my keyblade at them, it slash at them and they fell over.
"Come on! Let's go!" Judy and Nick ran and I followed.
We snuck through a pipe and crawled our way into the building. We soon found ourselves in a hospital room, with pretty new equipment. Judy started recording and we entered another room.
"Look at all these cells" Nick said, "It's pretty weird" Then an otter jumped at Nick! It was in the cell so it ran into the glass wall.
"Woah... look! It's him!" Sure enough, it was Emmit. He was hiding underneath his bed, his eyes were dilated and he had nothing but violence on his face. Judy began looking around at the other cells,
"Ten... eleven....... T-this is all of them! All fourteen missing mammals! They're here!"
"Uh that's great carrots but uh-" suddenly voices came from outside. Someone's coming! The three of us quickly hid in a cell. The door opened.
"Enough! I don't want excuses doctor! I want answers!" It was Lionheart!
"Mayor Lionheart, please, we're doing everything we can!"
"Really?" He asked, "Cause I got a dozen and a half animals who have gone off the rails crazy and you can't tell me why! I call that awfully far from 'doing everything'!"
"It may be time to consider biology"
"What?! What do you mean biology?"
"The only animals going animals going savage or predators. We can not keep it a secret! We need to come forward!"
Lionheart hummed, "Great idea, tell the public. And how do you think theyre going to feel about their mayor, WHO'S A LION! I'LL BE RUINED!"
"Well what does Chief Bogo say?" The doctor asked calmly.
"Chief Bogo doesn't know! And we- are going to keep it that way" Suddenly Judy's phone started ringing!
"Oh no!" Judy whispered. Lionheart and the doctor looked around.
"Someone's here!" Lionheart said.
"Sir you need to go, now!" They began to run out, "Security sweep the area!" The doctor locked the door as an alarm went off. A red siren light started to go off as well as a buzzing noise. The cell door we were hiding in began to close, "No!" Judy yelled. Before it could close, I put my keyblade between it.
"Hurry!" Rushed Nick. With all my strength I pushed the door open. We got out safely but unfortunately a trio of wolves rushed in the room, with tranquilizers! One quickly fired and shot Nick in the leg,
"GAH!" Nick fell over. I quickly jumped at the wolves and took them out. Judy rushed over to Nick, "Nick are you okay?!" she asked.
"I thunk suu" Nick blurted.
"Defective tranquilizer dart, Nick can you walk?"
"I cuan try" He barely managed to take a step.
"Trinity what are we going to do! We can't all get out with him like this!"
"I can carry him!" I said.
"But you're the only that stands a chance against the wolves! You can't fight and carry dead weight!"
"Hey! I'm nut dead weaght" Nick complained.
"Maybe I can create a distraction! For you two to escape! Or we can hide Nick and come get him later!" Judy thought.
"Don't weave me!" Nick cried. Judy stared at me. What should we do?! Leave Nick?! Or leave Judy?! What to do, what to do?!
"Do you think you can get the wolves off us?" I asked Judy.
"I might be able too!" I lifted Nick up onto my back.
"Let's do this!" I said. Judy got up and check outside,
"Here comes some, wait til it's clear-"
"Over there!" Yelled a voice. Judy took off, followed by a couple of wolves. Without a second to wait I walked out of the room, with Nick clinging to my back. I walked the opposite way that Judy went. I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't much with Nick's heavyweight on me. We turned around a corner and I came to a halt-
"Heartless!" I exclaimed. Nick looked up,
"Whut are we goeng to do?" he asked.
"uh... just hold on" I ran and jumped as high as I could, I landed on a Violet and squished it, then hopped onto a Shadow. I dodged a Wizard's thunderball and ran past it. We still had not run into any wolves but more and more heartless were appearing. Suddenly I heard a voice,
"Wha-What are you?!" Lionheart! I looked into the room where he was cornered by some heartless Soldiers, "Stop!" I was going to try and save him but before I could they attacked and dragged him into the darkness, "AHH!" he screamed, "SOMEONE HELP MEEE-" He was cut off as he disappeared. He's really gone! Nick let out a grunt,
"Trinuta, we need to goo" he said. I shook my head and remembered what was going on. I left the room and began to run. Right as we we about to get to some stairs, footsteps started to come from them, then behind us,
"There they are!" howled a wolf, we were surrounded!
"Do sumthun" Nick pleaded. I had no choice, there was no other option. I lept out an open window, with broken bars. Nick and I both started screaming as we fell to our deaths... Or so I thought, we landed in water. It was a stinging pain but we survived. I swam back to land withh Nick. He was breathing heavily,
"Don't... do... thut... agun..." he breathed. I looked up, we were pretty far down but, we could walk it. I then saw red and blue lights blaring. Judy had called the cops.
"What do you mean he was taken?!" Bogo roared. I looked down, "So he's just... gone?" he asked. I gave a sad nod. He looked up, "Of all things to happen, we found the mammals but now we got a kidnapped criminal mayor" he walked away. Then Judy came up,
"They got Nick in the ambulance, he's just going to rest for awhile"
"Will he be alright?" I asked
"Yes of course, it was just a tranquilizer dart. Ha! If it was an elephant one he'd been out!" Judy joked, "So what happened to Lionheart?"
"The heartless took him"
"So he's... dead?
"I don't know..."
"Well... they caught the doctor and the wolf henchmen, they're taking them into custody"
"So that's it? Case solved?"
"Yup, of course the press is going to be pestering us tomorrow so... that'll be fun" Judy forced a smile.
The next day, Judy, Nick and myself stood inside the police department. Chief Bogo was answering questions of many camera men and reporters. Judy was a nervous wreck as she was having to go up and do the same.
"Okay! Press Conference 101! You wanna look smart? Answer their question with your own question then answer that question!" Nick instructed, "Like this, 'Scuse me, Officer Hopps. Uh what can you tell us about the case? Well was it a tough case? Yes, yes it was... You see?"
"You should be up there with me, both of you, we did this together"
"Well, are we cops? No, no we are not" Nick replied. I shrugged. Judy chuckled,
"Funny you should say that, because... uh well I've been thinking, it... would be nice to, have a partner" She handed Nick a partner application. He took it and looked at it, then looked at her, "Here, in case you need something to write with" she handed him the carrot pen he's been trying to get from the start.
"But carrots... why me?" Nick asked, "Why not furhead here, the one with all the fighting skills?"
"Because Trinity here can't be an officer, he already has a full time job. To protect us from the heartless" Judy smiled at me.
"Officer Hopps!" Bellwether called from the stage. She gestured for Judy to come up, "It's time" Judy began to walk up. Nick looked at the paper, then me,
"What do you think? Think I'd make a trustworthy ZPD officer?"He asked sarcastically.
"I think it would make Judy very happy" I said.
"Yeah, you're right. Besides, she'll still be lost in this city without someone to watch over her" Nick started laughing. He began to fill out the paper.
"What is the connection of the animals?" a reporter asked Judy.
"Well they are all predators" she answered. Another reporter began,
"So... predators are the only ones going savage?" Judy thought for a second,
"That is... yes that is accurate, yes"
"Why?! Why is this happening!" Asked a pig reporter.
"We... still don't know" The press began to look disappointed, "But we uh... it, may have something to with biology" Nick looked up.
"What do you mean by that?"
"A biological component... you know... something in there... DNA" A gazelle reporter held her hand up,
"In their DNA? Can you elaborate on that please?"
"Yes, what I mean is... that thousands of years ago... predators survived through their aggressive instincts and they may be reverting back to their... primitive savage ways" Nick looked at the pictures of the missing mammals that were being tamed with muzzles, trying to attack everyone. I could see fear in Nick's eyes. He looked like he was about to cry.
"Will it happen again?" A reporter asked.
"It is possible," Judy replied, "So we must be vigilant, and we at the ZPD are her to protect you" That's when the press went nuts. Endless questions began to be said, Judy was being overwhelmed. Bellwether took the stage,
"Okay thank you Officer Hopps uh that's all the time we have, no more questions!" Judy walked back over to us.
Judy let out a sigh, "Phew that went so fast, I didn't get a chance to mention you or say anything about how we-" Nick stopped her,
"Oh you said plenty" Judy looked at him,
"What do you mean?"
"'Clearly there's a biological component?' 'These predators may be reverting back to their primitive, savage ways'? Are you serious?"
"I just stated the facts of the case. I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage"
"Right, but a fox could, huh?" Nick said
"Nick stop it" Judy whined, "You're not like them"
"Oh there's a them now?" Nick said questionably. Judy sighed,
"You know what I mean, you're not that kind of predator"
"The kind that needs to be muzzled? The kind that makes you carry fox repellent?" Nick pointed at a little bottle on Judy's belt. The same one she pointed at me when we first me, I just now realized that it was fox repellent, "Don't think I didn't notice that little item, the first time we met" Judy was to ashamed to say anything back, "So let me as you a question, 'Are you afraid of me'?" Again Judy couldn't say anything, she just stared at him, "Do you think I might go nuts?... That I might go savage?! That I might try to... eat you?!" Judy stumbled back and unlatched the pocket with the repellent in it. She gave out a surprise grunt.
"I knew it... tch..." Nick sighed. Judy quickly realized she did the wrong thing, "Just when I thought somebody believed in me..." Nick took out a peice of paper, "It's probably best if you don't have a predator as a partner" Nick gave her the note and walked off. Judy looked over the paper, it was filled out and everything.
"No..." She ran after him,"Nick!" Before she could reach him though, a swarm of news reporters blocked her way. Nick was gone. Later that day I met Judy outside the police department. She was very upset.
"Oh Trinity, how could I have been so stupid? Was I wrong to say what I said?" She sat down on the steps, "Now everyone's freaking out over any predators going savage and it's all because of what I said!" She hid her face in her hands.
"Judy..." I said
"It's okay... I'll be find, I'm sure this'll all blow over soon and we'll realize that predators aren't going savage randomly, Lionheart was probably the reason why they were in the first place... and now that he's gone..." Judy stood up and began to walk off, "I'll see you later Trinity..."
I watched her leave until she I couldn't see her. Chirithy poofed out by my side, "Do you think that this thing will end so quickly?" they asked.
"I'm not sure..." I said, "Anyway we can fix it?"
"Not really... only time will heal itself"  

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