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I was a mutant and to my dismay my parents had sent me to some freak school that I quite frankly didn't want to be a part of. I got here about a month ago but it felt longer. It wasn't the powers that I hated, I hated not having friends. I hated not being normal. I hated that I couldn't stand up and walk away from it all. I think it would be different if I had friends here. With my ability it was hard to have friends.

I could read people's minds. Not just that but I could get inside they're heads, mess with them. I could make them think they're heart had stopped beating. I could do anything I wanted. At the start I hated my power I thought it was wrong to do it. But after time I accepted it.

I sat in my room. Somehow I managed to get one of the biggest rooms here. This was my favourite part of the house especially because no one was aloud in here but me. I sat reading one of my all time favourite books when I heard someone.

"I can't believe she's not noticed me." My head shot up and my eyes darted around the room. Whoever it was didn't say it they thought it. I knew this because when I read someone's mind it had a faint vibration to it. There was no one here. Maybe my powers got stronger and they're outside my room.

"I think she saw me." I heard again and new that someone was in the room.

"Who's there?" I snapped easily annoyed. I felt the persons emotions who ever it was was scared. "I'm not going to hurt you just show yourself." I said again softer. It was probably some little kid with an invisible power.

A flash shot around my room and I new who it was. It was the speedster. I think he's names Peter. I focuses on making whoever it was stop. The silver-haired boy stopped right in front of me and looked ashamed. Out of everyone in the school he was always the one I was the most intrigued by. It wasn't because of his powers or his good looks. It was mostly because of his clothes he wore some of the best shirts ever. That's what drew me to him in the start, he always wore my favourite bands t-shirts. I watched him try to move his legs in a panicky motion but then stand to look at me.

"I wasn't spying on you." He said quickly and I sat my book down. He was lying. I knew that.

"Really? Then what where you doing." I question waiting to see what other lie he comes up with now. I feel embarrassment radiate of of him and laugh a little.

"Umm just passing through." He says looking around my room. I let him use his legs again and he shakes them of. "That's a neat trick. So is that your power? Controlling people's bodies." He says and I know he thinks he has me riddled.

"I also can mind read, speedy." I use my powers to make him hear me in his head. I look down at my book

"Wow you where inside my head. Wait can you hear what I think all the time?" He questions his face beginning to flush.

"Pretty much." I say out loud and I feel his heart beat a little faster.

"What have you heard me think?" He says and I see a quick flash and he is holding a Twinkie. He unwraps it and eats it in two seconds. He really is something else.

"Don't worry pretty boy my whole world doesn't evolve around you." I say and listen into his thoughts again.

"Pretty boy. She thinks I'm pretty." He thinks to himself and I smile a little.

"But I did hear that." I say out loud and look up to see him furrowing his brow.

"Hey! Get out of my head." He says and in a flash he's beside me sitting down and holding my book. "So watcha reading." He says as he flicks through my book at an alarming read. "Boring" he mutters and thrown my book on the bed. I scoff a little and look at him trying to understand what he's doing.

"Stop." He states and I frown.

"Stop what?" I ask trying to not read his mind. As much as my power is amazing I try not use it all this time. It makes my head feel fuzzy sometimes.

"Stop trying to get into my head." He says and I see another flash and he's holding another Twinkie, he does the same as earlier and leaves the wrapper on my bed.

"I'm not and anyway why are you in my room." I say going back to being annoyed.

"Well by the look of your records we have a few things in common. Also you're the only person here who fascinates me." He says and I know that he's telling the truth. He went through my stuff. "So how about we go out sometime." He says crossing his legs. How can someone be so confident. I look past his charming action and see that he really is nervous.

"Like a date?" I question confusingly. To tell you the truth being around him makes me nervous. This is probably the longest conversation I've had with someone in weeks and I don't want to mess it up.

"Yeah you could call it that." He says and my heart flutters.

"Okay I'll think about it." I say knowing the answer. He grins and lies down on my bed facing me.

"Good. So mysterious girl, tell me about yourself." He says gazing up at me.

We talk for hours and at the end of the night someone knocks on my door. "Lights out" I hear them call in and I look at the time. Wow I didn't think it had been that long. I look over at Peter and know that he's thinking the same thing.

"Bye Y/N. Remember to think about that date." He says and the last thing I see is his goofy smile before he disappears in a flash. I smile to myself knowing that it's probably the only thing I'll think about the rest of the night.


Okay this was my first Pietro Maximoff imagine and I don't know if you guys will like it. Should I do more with this character or what? My book has been getting more votes and comments recently and I'm so thankful. Also it was my birthday yesterday 🎉 Can anyone guess my age¿?


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